
  1. 陈布雷交游广泛,积累下了大量的函稿。

    Chen Bu-lei made friends so widely that he got the extensive accumulation of a large number of letter manuscript .

  2. 陈布雷议政、从政期间,留下了丰富的文献资料。

    During the period of discussing politics and taking part in government , Chen Bu-lei left behind abundant literature data .

  3. 对陈布雷从政所做的工作、做事原则、政治操守、个性特点进行大体的评价,分析其功过得失。

    The author evaluates the work which Chen Bu-lei did , his Working principle , his political personal integrity , individuality characteristic , and the merits and demerits of gains and losses .

  4. 在议政期间,陈布雷撰写了大量的政论性文章;在从政期间,他撰写了自己的回忆录,还把自己从政活动用日记记录下来。

    During the period of discussing politics , Chen Bu-lei composed the massive political comment articles . During the period of taking part in government period , he composed his memoirs and recorded his political activity diary .

  5. 陈布雷的这些文献资料具有很高的史料价值,是研究陈布雷本人生平事迹极其宝贵的资料,也是研究中国近代史的重要资料。

    The historical data value of these remained literature data is very high . It is not only the extremely precious material to study the life stories of Chen Bu-lei , but also to research Chinese modern history .