
  • 网络ken;Kenneth Chan;Alfred Chan
  1. 我们的广告预算只有5%,陈启泰表示。

    Our ad budget is only 5 per cent , says Chan .

  2. 谈到那些希望分得一杯羹的竞争对手时,陈启泰的看法非常乐观。

    As for competitors who want a slice of his pie , Chan is bullish .

  3. 对陈启泰而言,这种大众市场体系不会影响奢侈品牌产品的高质量。

    For Chan , this mass market system does not affect the high quality of luxury goods .

  4. 宝姿的生产过程全部在中国完成,但该品牌使用顶级的意大利面料,陈启泰认为在这一领域中国仍然难以与之媲美。

    Production is fully done in China but using top-of-the-line Italian fabric-one area in which Chan believes China still cannot compete .

  5. 陈启泰表示:我告诉母亲,我们必须认真看待中国,因为这里是一座金矿。他于1993年开始在厦门开展业务。

    I told my mother that we had to take China very seriously because herein is a goldmine , says Chan , who started operations in Xiamen in 1993 .

  6. 接着,陈启泰表示:毫无疑问,当她们需要第一套面试服装、甚至已经在事业上站住脚的时候,这就会成为她们首选的服装品牌。

    Then , says Chan , sure enough , when they need that first interview suit or even when they are established in their careers , this will be their brand of first choice .

  7. 陈启泰还感觉到了迁往经济特区的好处,在经济特区,政府对外资公司的政策更为优惠,其益处不只是可以抵消在一个西方奢侈品牌通常避开的国家进行生产所带来的风险。

    Chan also felt the advantages of moving to a special economic zone , where government policy is more favourable for foreign-owned companies , more than off-set the risk of producing in a country normally eschewed by Western luxury brands .

  8. 据陈启泰称,尽管没有一个标志性形象可以形成宝姿的独家标志性风格,但是,大多数衣服共有的一个品质就是,它们经得起旅行的折腾,还可以以很多不同方式穿着。

    Although no single iconic look may conjure up the Ports 1961 signature style , according to Chan , the one quality that most of the pieces have is that they travel well and can be worn in many different ways .