
zhī yīn
  • a friend keenly appreciative of one's talents;bosom friend;intimate friend
知音 [zhī yīn]
  • (1) [a friend keenly appreciative of ones talents]∶古代伯牙善于弹琴,钟子期善于听琴,能从伯牙的琴声中听出他寄托的心意

  • 子期死, 伯牙绝弦,以无知音者。--《列子.汤问》

  • (2) 后来用知音称知己,能赏识的人

  • (3) [intimate friend; bosom friend]∶知心朋友

知音[zhī yīn]
  1. 正准备学长笛,希望尽快找到知音。

    Just start to learn flute and hope to find bosom friend sooner .

  2. 保水剂:干旱区的节水知音

    A Water-saving Bosom Friend in the Arid Areas

  3. 她开始为作品寻找知音。

    She began to find a receptive audience for her work .

  4. 知音难觅。

    It is difficult to find an understanding friend .

  5. 如果有人跟说起这样的时刻,你就会觉得遇上了知音。

    When someone else mentions that moment you feel you 've met a kindred spirit .

  6. 成语“高山流水”,比喻知己或知音,也比喻音乐优美。

    From this story , people havederived the set phrase " high mountain and running water " to refer to understanding and appreciative friends . This set phrase is also used to refer to melodious music .

  7. 袁部长可谓真是知音,他告诉Daniel这首二胡乐曲是来自电影《冰山上的来客》插曲。

    Minister Yuan knew the piece well and told Daniel that the music is the interlude song of the film Visitor on the Icy Mountain .

  8. 用60Coγ射线辐射处理高羊茅的3个品种千年盛世、知音和猎狗5号的干种子,观测辐射对种子发芽的影响,测定种子萌发过程中的SOD、POD和PPO酶的活性。

    The seeds of three cultivars of tall fescue were treated by () ~ ( 60 ) Co γ - rays , seeds germination , the activity of SOD , POD and PPO during seeds germination were analyzed .

  9. 王尔德的中国译者和知音:田汉

    Chinese Translator and Alter Ego of Oscar Wilde & Tian Han

  10. 作为过来人的忠告,知音难觅。

    From my experience , good friends are hard to find .

  11. 知音难觅,更难离弃。

    Good friends are hard to find , harder to leave .

  12. 对我们的传统绘画,他是异国的知音。

    To our traditional painting , he is exotic Salon .

  13. 中国古典诗学的“知音”论

    The Theory of Keen Belletristic Appreciation in Classic Chinese Poetics

  14. 《知音》的成功对女性期刊的启示意义

    The inspiration of the success of Zhiyin to feminity journals

  15. 新一代语音识别、理解与合成系统&知音文书机

    JANET & A New Chinese Speech Recognition , Understanding and Synthesis System

  16. 原来,他是我的知音。

    After hearing these , I was amazed by him .

  17. 当然最希望有个知音人。

    I want to find someone with the same taste .

  18. 你应该要知道,知音不是说遇到就能遇到的。

    You should know that , soulmates are not easy to meet with .

  19. 在一位知音的心弦和鸣。

    Ifound again in the heart of a friend .

  20. 将你的歌唱传向知音者的耳朵,

    Sing to the ear that doth thy lays esteem

  21. 所以我来到这里,希望找到我真正的知音。

    So I came here , hoping to find my true music lovers .

  22. 我们不只是歌词上的知音,生活上也是。

    We are friends not only on lyric-writing , but also in life .

  23. 到了这里,会有无数知音为你插上如意的翅膀!

    Here , there will be innunmrous intimate friends insert you the satisfacted wings !

  24. 他们很快意识到在生态问题上他们是知音。

    They realized immediately that they were soul mates on the issue of ecology .

  25. 万发·知音人家营销策划方案

    " WanFa · zhiyin Family " Marketing Plan

  26. 想出几位曾令你感到遇上知音、觉得自己与众不同的人。

    Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special .

  27. 只有他们能让我横跨国家来寻觅知音

    Only they could get me to cross the country for a kindred spirit .

  28. 最后,本文从新闻策划的角度,以新闻价值定位、办刊宗旨、内容和读者定位为切入点分析了《知音》的叙事策略。

    Finally , the thesis analyzes the narrative tactics from the view of news-scheming .

  29. 不同母语背景的外国学生汉字知音和知义之间关系的研究

    The Relationship between Knowing Pronunciation and Knowing Meaning of Chinese Characters among CSL Learners

  30. 探讨中亚留学生的初学者对汉字知音和知义之间的关系。

    Central Asia for beginners students and knowledge of Chinese characters Concert The Relationship between .