
  • 网络knowledge-intensive service;knowledge intensive business service
  1. 创新内涵下的知识密集型服务业盈利模式研究

    Research on the Business Model of Knowledge-intensive Service in Connotation of Innovation

  2. 外部联系与我国知识密集型服务业产业集群的发展

    External Linkages and the Development of Knowledge-intensive Service Industrial Clusters

  3. 特别的,知识密集型服务业在一国GDP中占比高低,常被当作一个衡量该国经济发展水平高低的重要指标。

    Especially , the ratio of KIBS in GDP is regarded as one of the very important indexes of economy level in a country .

  4. 咨询业是典型的知识密集型服务业(KIBS)。

    Consulting industry is a typical type of knowledge intensive business service ( KIBS ) .

  5. 另一方面,以KIBS(知识密集型服务业)为核心建立产业用地合理化的空间结构。

    The other hand , KIBS ( knowledge-intensive services ) as the core to establish the spatial structure of the rationalization of industrial land .

  6. 然而,我国服务业起步较晚,发展较慢,其增加值占GDP的比重远低于发达国家;其内部结构也不合理,知识密集型服务业比重偏低。

    However , services in China starts very late , develops very slow and its added value in GDP proportion is far lower than in developed countries . Also , internal structure of services in China is unreasonable as the little proportion of KISI in the whole service .

  7. 集群创新系统的创新桥梁:知识密集型服务业

    Knowledge-Intensive Business Service within Cluster Innovation Systems : A Bridge for Innovation

  8. 基于产业链的知识密集型服务业发展研究

    Study on the development of knowledge-intensive business service based on industry chains

  9. 基于大都市圈创新体系视角的知识密集型服务业创新功能研究

    Research on Innovation Function of KIBS from View of Metropolitan Innovation System

  10. 知识密集型服务业功能论:集群创新过程视角

    The functions of KIBS : Cluster innovation process perspective

  11. 知识密集型服务业区位特征与发展战略研究

    Research on the Location Characteristic and Development Strategy of Knowledge Intensified Service Industry

  12. 基于知识密集型服务活动的服务创新系统研究

    On Service Innovation Systems Based on the Knowledge-Intensive Acitivity

  13. 知识密集型服务企业创新组织结构特征及其与创新绩效关系实证研究

    Structural Characteristics of Innovation Organization and its Relationship with Innovation Performance in KIBS

  14. 知识密集型服务业与香港产业结构高级化问题

    Knowledge intensive services and the perspective of advancement of Hong Kong industrial structure

  15. 知识密集型服务业集群研究述评

    A Review of Researches on Knowledge-intensive Business Service Clusters

  16. 知识密集型服务业的集群创新及创新系统文献综述

    Literature Review of Cluster Innovation and Innovation System in Knowledge Intensive Business Services

  17. 中国知识密集型服务业创新能力研究

    Research on Innovation Capabilities of Knowledge-Intensive Business Serivce Industry

  18. 知识密集型服务的定价困惑与解惑

    Cracking the Pricing Puzzles of the Knowledge-Intensive Services

  19. 知识密集型服务业创新范式初探

    Explorations on innovation paradigm of knowledge-intensive business service

  20. 基于粗糙集理论的知识密集型服务业集群创新能力评价研究

    Innovation Ability of Knowledge Intensive Business Services Cluster on the Basis of Rough Set Theories

  21. 集群网络结构演化分析&基于知识密集型服务机构嵌入的视角

    Network Structure Evolution of Industrial Clusters & From the Perspective of Knowledge Intensive Business Services Embedding

  22. 工程造价咨询企业是提供工程经济技术服务的知识密集型服务企业。

    Construction Cost Consulting is the knowledge-intensive engineering service enterprises to provide economic and technical services .

  23. 知识密集型服务企业产品定价研究

    Products Pricing of Knowledge-Intensive Business Services

  24. 详细论证了黑龙江省知识密集型服务业的发展现状及存在的主要问题。

    Discourse the development status and problems of knowledge intensive business service in Hei Longjiang in detail .

  25. 证券市场是典型的知识密集型服务行业,是现代经济的核心。

    Stock industry is the typical knowledge-intensive service industry , as the core of the modern economics .

  26. 创新视角下知识密集型服务业发展研究与政策启示

    Research on the Development of Knowledge Intensive Business Service and the Policy Implications under the Innovation Perspective

  27. 顾客互动对新服务开发绩效的影响&基于知识密集型服务企业的实证研究

    Research on Effects of Customer Interaction on NSD Performance : An Empirical Study on the Knowledge-Intensive Business Services

  28. 良好的外部环境是提高知识密集型服务业新服务开发活动绩效的重要前提和保障。

    The favorable policy environment is the key to enhance innovation capacity and competitiveness of knowledge intensive service .

  29. 前四个月,知识密集型服务贸易持续增长,突破7300亿元。

    Trade of knowledge-intensive services has been rising in the first four months , exceeding 730 billion yuan .

  30. 但是目前以制造业为主的创新政策不适合知识密集型服务业的发展,阻碍了知识密集型服务业的创新。

    The innovation policy dominated by manufacturing is the main barriers to the innovation in knowledge intensive services .