
zhī qínɡ tónɡ yì shū
  • informed consent form
  1. 是否都需要伦理委员会同意书和知情同意书?

    However , only prospective studies need to have signed Written Informed Consent Form .

  2. 临床试验知情同意书的设计规程及范例

    Design discipline and example of informed consent form for clinical trial

  3. 提出II期临床研究合理的剂量及方案。方法:按抗癌药物I期临床研究要求,选择经病理组织学或细胞学证实的晚期恶性肿瘤患者,签署书面知情同意书。

    Methods : Patients with advanced cancer diagnosed by pathology or cytology were selected according to the principle of phase I clinical trial of antitumor drug , and signed informed consent .

  4. 方法1.患者收集2002-2008在北京军区总医院诊断和治疗的14个FAP家系的患者,研究对象均签署知情同意书。

    Patients To collect 14 unrelated familial adenomatous polyposis patients who were Diagnosis and treatment in Beijing Military General Hospital from 2002 to 2008 and all patients signed informed consent . 2 .

  5. 两组患者均签署知情同意书,符合CCMD-3抑郁症的诊断标准,性别、年龄、病程等基线资料基本相似(P>0.05)。

    All the patients signed the agreement , and they were accordance with the diagnosis criteria of CCMD-3 depression . No significant difference was found in the baseline data such as sex , age and course of disease ( P > 0.05 ) .

  6. 试论国际多中心临床研究中知情同意书的本地化问题

    Localization of informed consent form in the international multi-centered clinical trial

  7. 分析500份病案手术及诊断性操作知情同意书填写的质量

    An Analysis on 500 Consent Document of the Procedures and Operations

  8. 对照组本人签署书面知情同意书。

    Individuals in the control group also signed the written consent form .

  9. 所有患儿检查前家长均签署知情同意书。

    Informed consents were sighed with parents before checking up .

  10. 所有参与者均在了解详细研究细节后,自愿前提下签订知情同意书。

    All participants signed informed consent after told study details .

  11. 研究所用的血细胞由已签署知情同意书的健康志愿者捐赠。

    Healthy volunteers with informed consent donated their blood cells for the study .

  12. 目的探讨医院产前超声检查中应用知情同意书的价值。

    Objective To explore the value of informed consent in prenatal ultrasonographic examination .

  13. 论麻醉知情同意书与和谐的医患关系急诊科医生要重视构建和谐的医患关系

    Talking about the Anesthesia Informed Consent and the Harmonious Relationship between Doctor and Patient

  14. 签署胎儿产前超声检查知情同意书的体会

    Experience in subscription of the consent agreement form for ante partum fetus ultrasound inspection

  15. 患者自愿捐献并签定知情同意书。

    Patients signed informed consent before voluntarily donated .

  16. 内镜检查前签订知情同意书需了解的信息:对患者期望了解信息的观察研究

    Information required to provide informed consent for endoscopy : An observational study of patients'expectations

  17. 妇产科手术患者对手术知情同意书理解的现状分析

    Analysis on Patients ' Perceptions of Operative Informed Consent in Obstetrics and Gynecology Department

  18. 所有调查对象均填写知情同意书,如实填写问卷。

    All person were completing with the informed consent , truthfully completing with the questionnaires .

  19. 签署书面知情同意书。

    They signed the written consent form .

  20. 手术知情同意书患者签字状况的影响因素分析

    Analysis of factors associated with patients ′ signature of informed consent form of surgical operation

  21. 医疗知情同意书的完善与应用

    Improvement and Application in Medical Informed Consent

  22. 取得家属或病人愿意并签署知情同意书。

    Patients or the family agreed to receive the treatment , and signed the informed consents .

  23. 浅析临床科研中知情同意书撰写存在的问题

    A brief analysis of problems existing in the composition of informed consent form in scientific research

  24. 手术知情同意书填写的规范化管理

    The Standardized Management of Operation Consent

  25. 方法对20例提供了知情同意书的健康志愿受试者进行测试。

    Method The experimental study was done on20 cases of healthy volunteers who provide informed consent .

  26. 所有患者均未行其他相关治疗,并均已签署知情同意书。

    Treatment , all patients were no other related and both have signed informed consent form .

  27. 目的:研究临床试验知情同意书中要素的完整性,评价撰写质量。

    Objective : To assess the integrity and quality of informed consents from clinical trials and researches .

  28. 脐血标本来自苏州大学附属第一医院产科,产妇及其家属均签署知情同意书。

    Cord blood preparation was provided by Department of Maternity , First Affiliated Hospital , Soochow University .

  29. 病人及家属签署知情同意书,并报医院伦理委员会审批通过。

    Patients and their families signed the informed consent , and reported by the hospital ethics committee approval .

  30. 我签了手术知情同意书,证明我自己已经了解了风险。

    I signed a consent form confirming that I understood the risks . I thought I did understand them .