
  • 网络Knowledge and Skill;knowledge and ability
  1. 方法对荆州市不同警种的警察91人进行CPR知识与技能的培训,分别在培训后即时、3个月、6个月进行理论知识和操作技能情况评价。

    Their mastery of the knowledge and skills were evaluated immediately , 3 and 6 months after the training .

  2. 对医学本科生实施循证医学讨论课后知识与技能的改变

    Changes in Medical Undergraduates ' Knowledge and Skills after Evidence-based Medicine Seminars

  3. fsp得到了higherapprenticeshipfund的资助,将致力于创造270个新职业机会,使相关人选具备与大学第一年课程水平相当的知识与技能。

    The FSP has been granted funding from the higher apprenticeship fund to create 270 new vocational opportunities on a par with the first year of a degree .

  4. 国内外诸多高等院校、科研院所也纷纷将GIS教育作为信息社会人才培养的重要方面,具有GIS基本知识与技能成为21世纪社会人才需求的一个重要方向。

    In both China and foreign countries , GIS education has become an important part in cultivating persons for modern society in many universities and institutes . GIS has become an essential demand for talented persons in the 21st century .

  5. 目的探讨医院急救中心对警察进行徒手心肺复苏(CPR)知识与技能培训的方法,提高其CPR知识与技能。

    Objective To explore the effect of training of policemen in manual CPR in a hospital emergency center . Methods Ninety-one policemen of different services were trained in the knowledge and techniques in CPR .

  6. 应加强乡村医务人员护理知识与技能的系统培训和指导。

    The systematic training and instruction should be intensified .

  7. 这也是做为一名妇科医师最基本知识与技能。

    Does completes this work for gynecology department doctor is our bounden responsibility .

  8. 从今天起,我会学习新的知识与技能。

    Beginning today I will learn something new ;

  9. 在教育科研方面,教师科研的知识与技能缺失。

    Fourthly in the educating-based study teachers haven 't enough knowledge and technique about it .

  10. 提高秘书关键知识与技能

    To improve key secretarial knowledge and skills

  11. 最后,对该模式的实施效果从知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观三个方面进行了分析。

    The final part analyzes the effects of implementation of mode above from three angles .

  12. 跨国战略联盟的主要目标是为了学习对方的知识与技能,影响组织在战略联盟中学习的因素大致为:联盟知识的可转移性;

    The main goal of international strategic alliance is to learn partner 's knowledge and technology .

  13. 对于多数大学生来说,大学生活意味着获取专业知识与技能。

    For the majority of students , the college life means acquiring special knowledge and skills .

  14. 社区卫生技术人员知识与技能需求及影响因素分析

    On demand for and influence factors of the knowledge and skills of community health care staffs

  15. 科学知识与技能;

    Science knowledge and skill ;

  16. 新课程改革倡导通过多样化的教学方式帮助学生学习科学知识与技能。

    New curriculum reform is advocating multiple methods to help student to learn scientific knowledge and skill .

  17. 城市社区医疗预防保健人员知识与技能的需求调查

    A demand Investigation of Knowledge and skill for the medical and preventive care staffs in urban community

  18. 北京市朝阳区公众应对突发公共卫生事件知识与技能调查研究

    Study on Knowledge and Skills about Public Health Emergency Response among General Population in Chaoyang District of Beijing

  19. 所以,在物业管理专业课程中应增设心理学课,让学生掌握一定的心理学知识与技能,以适应社会需要。

    So psychology course in property management major is the demand of both society and enhancing universities competition .

  20. 在初中化学教科书中,从知识与技能维度来看,科学素养目标中的知识与技能维度主要包括化学科学知识要素,其呈现效果相对理想。

    From the dimension of knowledge and skills in Junior Chemistry textbooks , it mainly contains scientific knowledge .

  21. 公务员能力是影响公务员工作有效性的人格、知识与技能的总和。

    The ability of civil servants refers to personality , knowledge and skills that affect servants work effectiveness .

  22. 数学表现性评价创设具体情境,从“做”中评价数学知识与技能;

    The mathematics performance assessment created idiographic scenes and evaluated knowledge and skills by " doing " mathematics .

  23. 新课程标准的主要特点在于过程性目标与知识与技能目标并重。

    The new standard of curriculum s emphasis the aim of course education as well as knowledge and skill .

  24. 建构主义理论强调知识与技能是学习者在一定的情境下主动建构的。

    The Constructivist theory emphasizes that learners should take initiative to construct the knowledge and skills under certain scene .

  25. 社区卫生知识与技能的掌握程度与培训需要有关。

    There were significant correlations between the familiarity degrees with knowledge and skills and the training demand for them .

  26. 事实证明,教师和教师们掌握的专业知识与技能是提供良好教育的最重要因素。

    Evidence shows that teachers , their professional knowledge and skills are the most important factor for quality education .

  27. 这对学生的学习态度、方法、知识与技能等的改善或提高起着重要的作用,亦对其他教师的教学研究有着借鉴意义。

    It plays an important role in improving the students ' study attitude , methods , knowledge and skills .

  28. 小学音乐知识与技能教学是基础音乐教育中的重要组成部分,其最终目标就是要培养学生对音乐学习的兴趣,是以培养和提高学生的音乐审美能力为最终目标。

    The teaching of music knowledge and skills in elementary schools is an quintessential part of elementary music education .

  29. 麦凯恩的幕僚们谁都没有真正检查过这名新手的知识与技能能否达到出任副总统的要求。

    Nobody around McCain truly checked whether this newcomer had the requisite knowledge or skills to be a vice-president .

  30. 人力资源是知识与技能的主要载体,也是组织的第一批资源。

    Human resources is the main carrier of knowledge and technology , and is the first resources of organization .