
jī chǔ xùn liàn
  • basic training;grounding
  1. 经过两个星期的空军基础训练,我给家里打电话,“你不相信他们的要求是多么的严格,”我抱怨道,“他们甚至对事情提出过分的要求,像毛巾挂得不直或牙膏盖没拧紧。”

    After two weeks of Air Force basic training . I called home . " You wouldn 't believe how strict they are , " I complained . " They even give demerits for things like not hanging your towel straight or not tightening1 the cap of your toothpaste properly . "

  2. 对象:以整群抽样的方式选择某部两个步兵团参加1998年度基础训练全体新兵中发生的SF战士。

    Object : recruits of all SF including two infantry regiments who take part in basic training on 1998 year .

  3. 他在数学方面接受过全面的基础训练。

    He grounded himself thoroughly in mathematics .

  4. 基础训练:患儿在坐、站及行进中进行重心转移训练,共30min。

    Primary training , 30 minutes : The ADHD children shifted their gravity during sitting , standing and walking for 30 minutes .

  5. 过劳性损伤(OUI)是新兵基础训练期间发生的一类常见损伤,为探讨其发病的危险因素,采用巢式病例对照研究对638名新兵进行了调查。

    Overuse injury ( OUI ) is a common injury during basic training . A nested-case-control study was carried out among 638 recruits to investigate the risk factors of OUI .

  6. 造型基础训练是工业设计的基础性课程。

    Basic Design training is the basic course of Industry Design .

  7. 强调基础训练、4、发展音乐能力、5、既培养音乐家,又培养音乐听众;

    Emphasizing basic training ; 4 . Developing the musical ability ;

  8. 高师音乐教学节奏感的基础训练

    On Fundamental Training of Rhythmization in Music Teaching for Normal Colleges

  9. 论儿童游泳基础训练方法

    A discuss about the methods of foundation swimming training for children

  10. 关于跳水运动员的早期初选及其基础训练的探讨

    Study on the Diving Athletes ' Early Selection and fundamental Training

  11. 联想在素描基础训练中的作用

    The Function of Association in Teaching Drawing to Design Majors

  12. 浅谈高职教学中的音乐基础训练的重要性

    On Importance of Music Foundation Training in Higher Vocational Teaching

  13. 高水平蹦床运动员基础训练若干问题探讨

    Study on Some Problems in Basic Training of High-level Trampolinists

  14. 标准舞基础训练阶段五大技术训练方法的初探

    Analysis on Five Technical Training Methods of Ballroom Dancing at Basic Stage

  15. 篮球跳投技术的要点及基础训练方法

    Key Point of Basketball Jump Shot Skill and Grounding Method

  16. 课程包括设计原理部分和设计基础训练两部分。

    It includes design theory and basic exercises of design .

  17. 对技巧运动员舞蹈基础训练的探讨

    Study on the Basic Dance Movement Training of Sports Acrobatics

  18. 部分新兵基础训练期间应力性骨折的病例对照研究

    A case-control study of stress fracture in some recruits during basic training

  19. 属对:综合的语文基础训练

    Couplet Teaching : A Comprehensively Basic Training of Chinese Learning

  20. 某部新兵基础训练损伤相关因素分析

    Study on the related factors of military recruit injuries during basic training

  21. 独生子女新兵基础训练前后心理健康状况的比较

    Mental health of recruits from one-child family before and after basic training

  22. 在德州基础训练的一部分

    In Texas , it 's part of basic training .

  23. 湖北省体操运动员基础训练阶段文化教育研究

    The Research on Education of Basic Training Phase Gymnasts in Hubei Province

  24. 他们原本在读写方面会有良好的基础训练的。

    They would have had a good grounding in literacy .

  25. 论文《基础训练与个人风格》在《艺术教育》上发表。

    Dissertation Foundational Training and Personal Style was issued on Arts Education .

  26. 北京奥运会团体新赛制下我国乒乓球基础训练对策

    Basic table tennis training countermeasures under new format of Beijing Olympic Games

  27. 幼儿教育;基础训练;正确引导。

    Pre-school education ; Fundamental training ; Correct guidance .

  28. 水粉风景与写生色彩的基础训练

    Gouache Painting from Nature and Basic Training in Color

  29. 跳水运动训练包括素质基础训练和技术基础训练。

    Diving 's training contains the quality basic training and skill basic training .

  30. 调整基础训练和建筑设计教学内容;

    Adjusting the contents of elementary training and the teaching of architecture design ;