
  1. 干涉主义与自由放任主义:G20国家面临一个基本哲学问题&是应该寻求具有法律约束力的新协定,还是应该继续按照自愿原则行事?

    Interventionists vs souverainistes : The G20 nations face a fundamental philosophical issue – should they be looking for legally binding new agreements or should they proceed on a voluntary basis ?

  2. 《SRA阅读实验课》以令人信服的多层次基本哲学原理为依据而编就,已为世界上许多国家的数以百万计大、中学校学生使用并证明其实用价值。

    SRA Reading Laboratory is designed upon convincing multilevel philosophy and has proved practical by millions of students in schools and colleges in many countries round the world .

  3. RDR背后的基本哲学基于这样的观察结果,专家不会解释他们编写规则的方式,但他们会证明规则是正确的,并在上下文内提供证据。

    The basic philosophy behind RDR is based on the observation that experts do not explain how they wrote a rule but they justify that a rule is correct and provide the justification in context .

  4. 身体世界化的基本哲学依据是:身体既是客体,同时又是主体。

    The philosophical base of lending body to world is that body becomes both the object and subject .

  5. 第一,关于哲学思维方式与哲学家的基本哲学立场的关系。

    The first is concerning the relation between the modes of philosophic thought and the basic standpoint of philosophers .

  6. 因果关系作为人类长期以来的基本哲学概念之一,一直是人们认识世界的指导方法之一。

    Causality as one of the early philosophy in history , has been guiding people to understand the world .

  7. 这一迫切的崭新事业,首先要求建构中国文化的当代基本哲学理念。

    This urgent and brand new enterprise first requires a construction of contemporary basic philosophical ideas for the Chinese culture .

  8. 研究鸟的人,我低声说道,那些鸟类学家来过了。从总体上来说,道家、家都以天人合一为基本哲学思路。

    Generally speaking , Taoism and Chinese medicine take the same philosophy of " the unity of man and nature " .

  9. 世界是普遍联系的,并且以某种形式表现出来,这是本课题研究的基本哲学基础。

    Relations exist universally in nature and are expressed in certain forms , which is the basic philosophy foundation of this research subject .

  10. 对人的探讨一直是哲学中的一个重要课题,但是对这个问题的哲学解答是与哲学家本人的基本哲学原则分不开的。

    It is always an important topic about man in the history of philosophy , and it depends on the basic principle of the philosopher .

  11. 自由主义是现代西方社会的基本哲学,对于人们理解现代西方社会的种种现象有非常重要的意义。

    Liberalism , the basic philosophy in the modern western society , is of particular importance in understanding the various phenomena in the modem western society .

  12. 国家超越市场利益关系对经济进行干预调节,国家干预由此构成经济法的基本哲学范畴与法理标志。

    A state interferes and regulates its economy beyond the market interest relationship , which falls within the scope of basic philosophy and jurisprudence of economic law .

  13. 这两者都-,我想。。。特别是海萨尼,当然罗尔斯也是-,这两人将风险管理的理念,引入到我们的基本哲学思维中。

    I think of both of these as incorporating I would , especially with Harsanyi , but also with Rawls as incorporating some idea of risk management into our basic philosophy .

  14. 当然,日本央行可以自行改变政策,但这就等于要承认自己的基本哲学是错误的&这种可能性就像樱花在仲冬时节盛开一样。

    Of course the BoJ could change policy by itself , but that would mean admitting that its fundamental philosophy was wrong , which is about as likely as a midwinter cherry blossom .

  15. 对象性活动原则不仅是《1844年经济学哲学手稿》的基本哲学原则,而且是马克思思想转变的契机。

    The principle of " gegenstandliche activity " is not only the basic rule of " the Economic and Philosophical Manuscript in 1848 ", but also the crucial cause of the transformation of Marx 's thoughts .

  16. 由于阴阳五行学说和天人相应学说是《内经》的基本哲学思想,因此四时、五脏脉象属于《内经》脉象的核心内容,亦即是本论文的重点。

    Because of Yin and Yang , the heaven corresponding theories are Nei Jing basic philosophy , and therefore ever-green , five zang-organs pulse Nei Jing pulse condition belongs to the core content of this paper , which is the key .

  17. 归纳问题是近代以来最基本的哲学问题之一。

    Inductive problem is one of the most basic modern philosophical problems .

  18. 感性是一个重要的基本的哲学概念。

    Aesthetic is an important basic philosophic conception .

  19. 摩经中的公(雄)母(雌)观则是壮族认识世界最基本的哲学思维方式。

    The male and female sense is their basic philosophical ways of thinking on the world .

  20. 价值一般是人认识世界、改造世界的基本的哲学概念,是与人的本性、人的生存方式密切相关的哲学概念,是对人的存在的最高的、最抽象的反思与概括的哲学概念。

    Value generalization , a basic philosophy concept , is closely related to human natural and existence .

  21. 在人工智能早期,对不确定性处理被认为是一个基本的哲学障碍。

    In the early days of AI , dealing with uncertainty was considered a fundamental philosophical hurdle .

  22. 历史唯物主义的劳动观是构建社会主义和谐社会最基本的哲学依据;

    The labor view of historical materialism is the most basic philosophical basis of constructing harmonious socialist society .

  23. 三个基本的哲学问题

    Three Fundamental Philosophical Problems

  24. 现代美的生活方式既要符合美的规律,又要遵循基本的哲学原则。

    The lifestyle of modern beauty should not only accord with the law of beauty , but also keep to the philosophical principle .

  25. 因果关系,是现实生活中常见的一类现象,也是一对基本的哲学范畴。

    Causality , is a kind of common phenomenon in the real life , and is a pair of basic categories in Philosophy .

  26. 战争的矛头直指难以应对的辩论,它将人们引向一个基本的哲学问题。

    And at the center of those wars was an intractable dispute which seemed very very pointedly to raise a fundamental philosophical problem .

  27. 本体论问题有着深刻的人性根据和哲学思维根据,是任何真正哲学都难以回避的最基本的哲学问题。

    Ontology is profoundly rooted in human nature and philosophical thinking , and is the most fundamental question any philosophy has to tackle .

  28. 本文结合一些常见的认识困惑,探讨这些基本科学哲学命题所蕴含的认识论本质。

    Based on some common confusion about the formulation , the paper probes into the cognitive essence of these basic scientific and philosophical suppositions .

  29. 这种办法应该为你提供基本的哲学词汇,以便于理解每章末尾推荐的那些更难的哲学著作。

    This approach should give you the basic philosophical vocabulary needed for understanding some of the more difficult philosophical writing recommended in the reading lists at the end of each chapter .

  30. 儒家对“虚静”的阐述只注重一般的哲学层面,而道家则从一般宇宙观的角度阐述“虚静”,认为“虚静”是认识客观事物的基本的哲学方法。

    Confucian school had explained " Xujing " thought only in general philosophy , and Taoist school had explained it in general world view and thought that it was the basic philosophy method of knowing the objective world .