
  • 网络gene linkage analysis
  1. 利用ASP方法进行基因连锁分析的一个最优抽样方案

    An Optimal Sample for Genetic Linkage Analysis with ASP Methods

  2. 基于文献[1]关于假设检验的优良设计理论,提出了一个合理的回归模型,并找出了在这一模型下利用ASP方法进行基因连锁分析的一个最优抽样方案。

    Based on the theory of the optimal design for hypothesis test proposed by references [ 1 ] , this paper suggests a reasonable regression model , and gets an optimal sample for genetic linkage analysis with ASP methods .

  3. 结果:AD与12号染色体上α2M区的关联是通过基因连锁分析得到的,有大量的数据支持α2巨球蛋白基因在AD患者病理中的表现。

    RESULTS : The association between AD and α 2M region on the twelfth chromatosome was analyzed with the genic linkage , and pathological symptom of α 2M in AD patients was supported by many evidences .

  4. 中国人St14/TaqⅠRFLPs及其在甲型血友病基因连锁分析与产前基因诊断中的应用

    The RFLPs of St14 / Taq I in Chinese and Its Application to Gene Analysis and Prenatal Diagnosis of Hemophilia A

  5. 结论PAX3和D2S401在中国汉族人群中高度多态,可用于基因连锁分析和基因诊断。

    Conclution PAX3 and D2S401 are highly polymorphic and can be used in the gene linked analysis .

  6. 常染色体显性的薄基底膜肾病的基因连锁分析

    Linkage analysis of three families with autosomal dominant thin basement membrane nephropathy

  7. PCR方法可以有效地应用于结构保守基因的连锁分析中。

    Therefore , PCR method should be applicable effectively in analysis of linked genes which possessed conserved sequences .

  8. Machado-Joseph病四个家系的基因连锁定位分析

    Genetic linkage studies of Machado Joseph disease with chromosome 14q warkers in four Chinese kindreds

  9. 1个牙本质生长不全Ⅱ型家系疾病基因的连锁分析

    Pathogenic gene linkage analysis of a family with dentinogenesis imperfecta type II

  10. 全身性癫痫伴高热惊厥附加症2个家系致病基因连锁定位分析

    Gene linkage analysis in two families of generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures plus

  11. 家族性混合型高脂血症与脂蛋白脂酶基因的连锁分析

    Linkage analysis between familial combined hyperlipidemia and lipoprotein lipase gene in Chinese families

  12. 26个Ⅱ型糖尿病家系葡萄糖激酶等三个候选基因的连锁分析

    Linkage analysis of three candidate genes with type ⅱ diabetes mellitus in 26 Chinese families

  13. 先天性广泛眼外肌纤维化综合征一家系临床表型及基因连锁定位分析

    Clinical phenotype and linkage analysis in a Chinese family with congenital fibrosis of extraocular muscle

  14. 但是,当对立假设为单边假设时(单边对立假设经常出现在基因的连锁分析中),皮尔逊x~2检验就没有用到对立假设的信息。

    But when the alternative is an " one-sided " hypothesis , which usually appears in genetic linkage analysis , the chi-square test does not use the information offered by the one-sided hypothesis .

  15. 转基因抗虫棉Bt基因的遗传连锁分析

    The analysis of linkage for Bt gene in transgenic bollworm - resistant cotton

  16. 利用放射杂交克隆板进行猪FMR1等5个基因间的连锁分析

    Linkage Analysis of Five Genes in Pigs Using Radiation Hybrid Clone Panel

  17. 序贯归因法在复杂疾病基因多位点连锁分析中的应用

    Complex Diseases Gene 's Multilocus Linkage Analysis with Sequential Imputation

  18. 遗传性疾病基因定位的连锁分析方法

    The Parameter Linkage Analysis of the Genetic Disease Gene Location

  19. 基因测序和连锁分析的诊断结果完全一致。

    The results of diagnosis of linkage analysis coincide completely with that of DNA sequencing .

  20. 强迫谱系障碍与第Ⅱ组代谢型谷氨酸受体相关候选基因位点的连锁分析

    A linkage analysis between obsessive compulsive spectrum disorders and candidate genes of group ⅱ metabotropic glutamate receptor

  21. 近年来,国内外学者对高度近视的遗传学研究进一步深入,已应用全基因组扫描和候选基因筛查、连锁分析等技术进行病理性近视相关基因定位和候选基因克隆定位工作。

    For the past few years , with the further of genetics research aimed to pathological myopia , the scholars utilize the techniques such as genome scan 、 candidate gene screening 、 linkage analysis to locate the related gene of pathological myopia and the candidate gene clone .

  22. 多基因离散性状QTL连锁分析方法

    Methodology of QTL 's Linkage Analysis for Discrete Traits Controlled by Polygenes

  23. 家蚕Jc油蚕基因的发现和连锁分析

    Discovery of JC translucence gene in silkworm and its linkage analysis

  24. 利用SSR标记对家蚕黄血基因的定位及连锁分析

    SSR Based Linkage and Mapping Analysis of Yellow Blood ( Y ) Gene in Silkworm , Bombyx mori

  25. 绵羊微卫星300U和FecB基因的多态及连锁分析

    Polymorphic and linkage analysis of microsatellite 300U and FecB gene in sheep

  26. 为了研究中国的DSH家系致病的遗传基础,我们采用基因分型、连锁分析和突变研究的方法对两个来自江苏省的DSH家系进行致病基因的定位和突变研究。

    They found the gene mutation had occurred in four different Japanese DSH families . To localize and isolate the disease gene in Chinese DSH family , 2 DSH families from Jiangsu province of China have been studied by linkage analysis and mutation detection .

  27. 通过基因芯片筛查与连锁分析,本研究筛选并克隆了lbc突变的的候选基因,同时分析了突变基因的表达特征,并对该基因进行了初步的功能研究。

    By microarray analysis and linkage analysis , we identified the gene responsible for the Ibc mutant , and investigated its expression patterns . We also cloned the full-length of the candidate gene by RACE and carried out preliminary function verifications .

  28. 阿尔茨海默病候选基因的连锁不平衡分析

    Linkage Disequilibrium Analysis of the Candidate Genes for Alzheimer 's Disease

  29. 结果基因分型和连锁分析将该家系的致病基因定位于1号染色体,和已知报道的区域一致。

    Results The candidate gene was localized at the 1q region , consistent with the reported region .

  30. 12个水盐代谢、离子转运候选基因与高血压病连锁分析

    Linkage analysis of 12 candidate gene loci regulating water , sodium metabolism and membrane ion transport in essential hypertension