
  1. 方法采用PCR-RFLP技术对35例日本人Aγ-珠蛋白基因领域DNA多态性进行了检测。

    Methods The PCR-RFLP was adopted to study 35 Japanese DNA-polymorphism of A γ - globin .

  2. Kedes博士在南加利福利亚大学建立了遗传医学会,是这个基金会在基因领域的主要顾问。

    Dr Kedes , who founded the Institute for Genetic Medicine at the University of Southern California , is the foundation 's main adviser on matters genomic .

  3. 基因领域是高科技领域,发明创造层出不穷,技术更新瞬息万变。

    Gene area is high-tech field , the inventions are one after another , and technology changes rapidly .

  4. 遗传基因领域权威科学家日前表示:一个人的宗教信仰是由这个人的基因构成决定的。

    Religious belief is determined by a person 's genetic make-up according to a study by a leading scientist .

  5. 随着科学技术的进步,基因领域内认识自然规律和利用自然规律之间的时间间隔逐渐缩短。

    With the progress of science and technology , the time between the understanding and use of the natural law is gradually shortened in the field of gene .

  6. 近年来,随着对基因领域的深入探索以及对基因疾病本质的了解,基因治疗应运而生。

    The genetic disease is becoming a severe problem to the healthy of human being . Recently , with deeply exploring in gene , many methods were developing in gene therapy .

  7. 反义RNA的作用机理及其在植物基因工程领域的应用

    The Mechanism of Antisense RNA and Its Application in the Plant Gene Engineering

  8. 在基因治疗领域中,基因传递系统被用来将编码治疗蛋白序列的外源DNA引入到靶向细胞内,使之得到有效表达。

    Gene delivery systems are used in the field of gene therapy to introduce foreign DNA encoding therapeutic protein sequences into cells .

  9. 该文从方法学上回顾了血管NOS基因转移领域的最新进展以及NOS基因转移对重要心血管疾病的潜在应用。

    We reviewed the methods of current progress in the field of vascular NOS gene transfer and the potential use of NOS gene therapy for important cardiovascular diseases .

  10. 在基因工程领域,杂志称,中国一名肺癌患者成为世界上首个接受采用CRISPR–Cas9编辑过的细胞治疗的人,明年美国和中国会有更多基于这一基因编辑工具的临床应用。

    In genetic engineering , a patient with lung cancer in China became the first person in the world to be treated with cells edited using CRISPR-Cas9 , reports the journal , saying more application of the genome-editing tool is expected in the US and China next year .

  11. 他担心类似的事情也会发生在基因编辑领域。

    He worries that something similar will happen with gene editing .

  12. 超声介导超声造影剂在分子影像与基因治疗领域中的应用

    Application of ultrasound-mediated contrast agent in molecular imaging and gene therapy

  13. 细胞微囊技术及其在基因治疗领域的研究进展

    The Cell Micro-encapsulation Techniques and Its Advancement in the Field of Gene Therapy

  14. 讨论了该结果的结构生物学意义及其在基因工程领域可能的应用。

    The structural biological meaning and possible applications of the finding were discussed .

  15. 在针对改善农业的基因研究领域,中国长期处于领先位置。

    China has long been a leader in the field of genetic research aimed at improving agriculture .

  16. 这一不公平和缺少对土著居民的系统研究,在医疗临床和基因研究领域

    This bias and systematic lack of engagement of indigenous people in both clinical trials and genome studies

  17. 在一些领域,例如大规模低成本基因测序领域,中国领先于美国。

    In some disciplines , such as large-scale , low-cost gene sequencing , China leads the US .

  18. 这个答案恰好道出了基因操纵领域的未来发展趋势。

    And that answer is a good indicator of the future in the field of genetic manipulation .

  19. 经过20多年的努力,匿名基因组序列基因识别领域取得了引人入胜的成就。

    Development new methods to identify genes in anonymous genomic sequences have been going on for more than 20 years .

  20. 全世界的生命科学公司正迅速采取行动,以期在这一新兴的基因商业领域发挥自身的作用,并夺取控制权。

    The global life science companies are quickly manoeuvring to exert their influence and control over the new genetic commerce .

  21. 多胺类药物小分子良好的生物活性使其成为基因药物领域研究的热点之一。

    The outstanding biological function of polyamine drug molecules makes it become one of the hottest spots in the area of genetic medicine .

  22. 本发明涉及基因工程领域,具体地,本发明涉及一种新的人基因核苷酸序列。

    The present invention relates to the field of gene engineering , and is especially one new kind of human gene nucleotide sequence .

  23. 最近,在遗传多样性,起源和系统发育等领域有较大发展,而在功能基因研究领域的报道屈指可数。

    Recently , researches on genetic diversity , parentage and phylogenesis et al . have been developed , while reports on functional gene are handful .

  24. 21世纪被誉为生物科技的世纪,生物科技中最重要的一个领域即分子生物学,或俗称为基因研究领域。

    21st century is always called " the century of biotechnology ", and the most important field of that is molecular biology , or popularly known as gene research .

  25. 随着人类在基因研究领域的迅速发展,对基因研究成果,特别是人类基因序列信息数据库这种基础研究成果的知识产权保护显得尤为重要。

    As the rapid development of genetic research , it is important to protect gene research achievements , particularly the intellectual property of human genome sequence information databases as a kind of fundamental research .

  26. 目前虽在青光眼基因治疗领域取得较大进展,但在组织特异性启动子、长时基因表达及副作用等方面尚存在着问题和挑战。

    Even though great progress has been made in this field , significant challenges and obstacles , including lack of tissue specific promoter , problems in long-term gene expression and side effects , still remain to be resolved .

  27. 随着对大段骨缺损修复研究的深入,其治疗方法逐步从传统的自身骨移植、同种异体骨移植等治疗手段深入到人工骨材料、基因工程领域。

    With the deep study of long bone defect , its treatment is from traditional methods , such as autologous bone , allograft , to bone tissue engineering and gene engineering . To date , these tissue engineered construct systems are mainly applied to animal models not to human transplantation .

  28. 2000年被发现以后,RNA干扰被迅速应用于功能基因组学以及病毒感染、肿瘤以及遗传病的基因治疗等领域。

    Since it was found in 2000 , RNAi has been used in functional genomics , gene therapy and antiviral research .

  29. 金属硫蛋白(Metallothionein,MT)基因在转基因领域的应用

    Application of Metallothionein ( MT ) Gene in Transgenosis

  30. 成人骨髓MSC在组织工程、细胞治疗、基因治疗等领域具有广阔的临床应用前景;

    The adult bone marrow derived MSC is useful in bioengineering , cell and gene therapy ;