
  • 网络ecological theory;ecological perspective;ecology;ecological concept
  1. 最后探讨了大学生思想政治教育中生态观教育的几种主要方法:生态理论教育法;校园文化活动法;社会生态体验法;家庭、学校、社会环境整合法。

    The last to strengthen college students ' ideological and political education ecological view of education in several main methods : ecological theory education ; Campus culture activities , the method of Born of social practice ; Family , school and society to the legal environment , are discussed .

  2. 生态文明要求人类必须树立系统平衡的生态观、生态文明的价值观、辩证和谐的自然观和全面协调、可持续的发展观,这对于实现人与自然的和谐具有重要的理论意义。

    Ecological civilization requires human to establish ecological theory of system balance and ecological civilization values , dialectical nature view and harmony and overall coordination and sustainable development concept , which for the harmony between man and nature has important theoretical significance .

  3. 中国传统建筑生态观剖析

    Analysis of the ecological concept of the Chinese traditional architecture design

  4. 在精神本质上,佛教的生态观是后现代的。

    In spiritual essence , the Buddhist ecological outlook is post modern .

  5. 思想政治教育生态观研究

    Research on the Ecological View of Ideological and Political Education

  6. 中国风景园林起源与古生态观初探

    The Origins of Chinese Scenic Gardens and Ancient Ecological Idea

  7. 沈阳建筑大学校园的生态观认识

    On ecological view on the campus of Shenyang Architecture University

  8. 重构云南民族文化发展的生态观

    The reconstruction of ecological idea of the development of Yunnan ethnic cultures

  9. 后现代主义生态观与技术创新活动的价值转向

    Viewing Post-modernism from Ecology to Turn the Values of Technological Innovation Activities

  10. 教育技术学可持续发展的生态观探索

    Explore on Educational Technology Discipline from the Perspective of Ecology

  11. 基于生态观的产业转型中价值转化模型构建

    Construction of Value Transform Model During Industry Conversion Based on Environment View

  12. 信息时代的整合性学习模型&信息技术整合于教学的生态观诠释

    A Model of Integrated Learning in the Information Era

  13. 美的规律与马克思主义生态观

    On Law of Beauty and Ecological Thought of Marx

  14. 城市园林建设生态观的形成与发展

    Form and Development on Ecology of City Gardens Construction

  15. 生态观在城市绿地环境中的应用

    The application of ecological conception in building the environment of urban green landscape

  16. 语言生态观把语言多样性与生物文化多样性的相关性作为基本的理论原则。

    Language ecology theory views language diversity and bio-cultural diversity as its basic principle .

  17. 从《边境三部曲》看科马克·麦卡锡的哲学生态观

    On Cormac McCarthy 's ecological philosophy through study of his " Border Trilogy "

  18. 从神话传说和风俗习惯看鄂伦春人的自然生态观

    A Study on Views of Natural Ecology of Olunchun Nationality from Legends and Folklore

  19. 聚落演替的驱动力主要是生态观的改变。

    The main driving force of settlement succession was the change of ecological concept .

  20. 树立正确的生态观是可持续发展的先决条件,在我国学校普及生态学教育是必要的。

    To set up a sense of ecology is the pre-condition of a sustainable development ;

  21. 中国古代的可持续生态观及其在造物中的体现

    The Sustainable Ecological View and Embodiment in the Making Implement in Ancient Times of China

  22. 从《鼠与人》及《愤怒的葡萄》管窥斯坦贝克的生态观

    Steinbeck 's Ecological Consciousness Perceived through Of Mice and Man and The Grapes of Wrath Humans

  23. 天人合一的居住区环境设计生态观

    Ecological view of " harmony of people and environment " in environment design of populated area

  24. 从孔子的中庸之道看劳伦斯的生态观

    A Study of Lawrence 's Ecological Ideas from the Aspect of Confucius ' Golden Mean Thought

  25. 第一,更新医学教育思想,树立科学教育与人文素质协调发展的生态观。

    First , renew the object of medical quality education to make up a green academic atmosphere .

  26. 中国少数民族生态观对可持续发展的借鉴和启示

    On the Revelation of the Ecological Views of China 's Minority Nationalities to China 's Sustainable Development

  27. 亲和的美学&关于审美生态观问题的思考论城市空间的审美特性

    Aesthetics of Affinity ── A Contemplation of the Aesthetic View of Ecology Esthetic Features of Urban Space

  28. 天人合一观与中国乡土建筑生态观的研究

    Study of " Heaven and Man " Concept and the Ecological Concept of the Chinese Vernacular Architecture

  29. 一次对适用技术生态观的实践&以四川泸州向阳商城大厦设计为例

    A Practice On " Adaptive technology " Ecological Conception & On a Design for Luzhou Sunny Market edifice

  30. 从朴素生态观到景观生态观&城市规划理论与方法的再回顾

    From Simple Ecological View to Land-scape Ecological View & Review on the Theory and Method of Urban Planning