
  1. 日本的饮食习惯是世界上最健康之一。

    The Japanese diet is one of the healthiest in the world .

  2. 这是为什么呢?日本的饮食习惯是世界上最健康之一。

    Why ? The Japanese diet is one of the healthiest in the world .

  3. 日本的饮食与中国许多相同之处,但是又存在很大差异。

    Therefore , there are many similarities and differences between Japanese and Chinese food cultures .

  4. 日本的饮食很像中国的吗?

    Is Japanese food like chinese ?

  5. 新兴市场海产品消费量增长的趋势,与日本的饮食习惯形成对比在日本,鲜鱼的购买量一直在下降。

    The trend towards higher seafood consumption in emerging markets contrasts with eating habits in Japan , where purchases of fresh fish have been declining .

  6. 塑料仿餐是一个日本的饮食文化的一部分,他们开始在其他国家的胃口磨也。

    Plastic imitation meals are one part of Japan 's food culture , and they are starting to whet appetites in other countries , too .

  7. 我相信日本健康的饮食主要归功于烹饪中的两点不同,那就是分量小和黄油油脂少。

    I believe the healthy Japanese diet is due to two differences in cuisine : smaller portion size and less butter and grease .