
  • Healthy Diet;Eat healthy;Healthy Eating
  1. 加拿大埃德蒙顿亚伯达大学的鲍尔•J•维格勒博士及其同事发现,饮食健康,摄入足量水果、蔬菜、蛋白质和纤维等营养成分的学生读写测试不及格的可能性较低。

    Students who ate an adequate amount of fruit , vegetables , protein , fiber and other components of a healthy diet were significantly less likely to fail a literacy test , Dr. Paul J. Veugelers of the University of Alberta in Edmonton and colleagues found .

  2. 1.饮食健康

    Step 1 Observe a healthy diet

  3. 近些年,“饮食健康运动”风靡全球。

    The " clean eating movement " has taken the world by storm in recent years .

  4. 第二、根据HBM编制的中学生饮食健康信念问卷,具有良好的信度和效度,可作为测量中学生饮食健康信念的适宜工具。

    Second , the formal questionnaire of middle school students ' diet health beliefs has a good reliability and validity , which can be used as an appropriate measuring tool for middle school students .

  5. 一项Framingham营养研究发现,每天摄取400多卡路里且饮食健康的女性,与每天摄取更少卡路里但多饱和脂肪少纤维的女性相比,后者腹部肥胖的几率比前者多2.5倍。

    A Framingham Nutrition Study has found that women who consume 400 more calories per day and eat healthier are two-and-a-half times less likely to have an excess of abdominal fat than women who take in fewer calories but consume more saturated fat and less fiber .

  6. 同时你还必须非常注重饮食健康。

    You need to be careful about what you eat too .

  7. 确保自己饮食健康,不会过度劳累。

    Make sure you 're eating right and not overworking yourself .

  8. 饮食健康,照顾好自己。

    1 . Eat healthy and take good care of yourself .

  9. 确保你饮食健康,适当运动。

    Make sure you eat healthily , and get some exercise .

  10. 饮食健康甜品没有打破银行。

    Eating a healthy dessert doesn 't have to break the bank .

  11. 高热量饮食健康教育对气虚型中风病人的影响

    Influence of Health Education of Diet High Calorie on Qi Asthenia Stroke Patients

  12. 并且大多不符合现代饮食健康原则。

    These culture accents did not meet with the modern health principles mainly .

  13. 她饮食健康,食用大量的水果和蔬菜。

    She eats a healthy diet , with lots of fruits and vegetables .

  14. 每个人都得吃东西,不过你的饮食健康吗?

    Everybody has to eat , but do you eat a healthy diet ?

  15. 你可以改善饮食健康。

    You should look into a healthier diet .

  16. 5.加强锻炼,饮食健康

    Step 5 Exercise and eat a healthy diet

  17. 绍兴市社区老年人饮食健康知识、态度、行为调查

    Survey on KAP about the old people 's diet health in communities of Shaoxing City

  18. 注意饮食健康,多做运动。

    Eat healthily and takeplenty of exercise .

  19. 应该强调的是饮食健康的均衡饮食,适用于一般民众。

    Emphasis should be on eating a healthy balanced diet applicable to the general population .

  20. 均衡饮食健康的生活方式的基础与制度形成了定期运动相结合。

    Balanced diet combined with a regular exercise regime forms the basis of a healthy lifestyle .

  21. 如果你有高血压,那么饮食健康十分重要。

    If you have high blood pressure , it is important to eat a healthy diet .

  22. 饮食健康。营养平衡的饮食有助于使你现在并且持续的感觉更加良好。

    Eat well . a well-balanced eating strategy will help you feel better now and later .

  23. 我的饮食健康吗?

    Am I eating healthy ?

  24. 饮食健康是非常重要的,尤其是身体仍然在生长发育的儿童和青少年。

    Eating healthy food is extremely important , especially for kids and teenagers who are still growing .

  25. 保持皮肤清洁,饮食健康,你的皮肤会像丝绸般光滑。

    Keep your skin clean and your diet healthy , and your skin will be silky smooth .

  26. 饮食健康,食用抗氧化剂含量丰富的水果,蔬菜和必需脂肪酸。

    Eat a healthy diet with plenty of antioxidant-rich fruits , vegetables , and essential fatty acids .

  27. 提醒您:春季天气多变,请注意饮食健康,加强身体锻炼!

    Changeable spring weather to remind you : please note a healthy diet and physical exercise to strengthen !

  28. 我饮食健康且经常散步,其实我内心里是一个很苗条的人。

    I eat healthily and walk regularly , and I 'm actually a slim person on the inside .

  29. 它作为橄榄油中的主要成分而在地中海一带饮食健康中起到重要作用。

    It plays an important role in the mediterranean diet because it is a main composition of olive oil .

  30. 饮食健康能给予你所需的营养,让你的大脑保持最佳状态。

    Eating and drinking healthy gives your body the nourishment it needs to keep your brain in top shape .