
  • 网络drinking water hygiene
  1. [结论]山东省农村饮水卫生状况不容乐观,微生物污染是存在的主要卫生问题。

    [ Conclusion ] The condition of drinking water hygiene is far from being optimistic in rural areas of Shandong province . Microorganism pollution is the main problem .

  2. 广西学校幼儿园食品和饮水卫生考评情况分析

    Food and Drinking Water Hygiene Status of Schools and Kindergartens in Guangxi

  3. 作者结合其他实验结果分析,认为我国目前饮水卫生标准中的氟化物(以F计)浓度(1mg/l),从诱变性来看,属安全无害。

    From the view point of mutagenicity , the maximum allowable concentration of fluoride in drinking water ( 1 mg / 1 ) as set in our country would be safe and harmless .

  4. 军队战时饮水卫生检验盒

    Hygienic examination kit of drinking water for the army in wartime

  5. 新疆农村饮水卫生监测及评价

    Monitoring and Evaluating of hygiene of Drinking Water in Xinjiang Counties

  6. 这些是河北省饮水卫生中存在的主要问题。

    These are the main problems of water supply in this province .

  7. 苏州市桶装饮水卫生质量的初步研究

    Preliminary Study of the Sanitary Quality of Barrelled Drinking Water in Suzhou

  8. 减轻洪涝灾害的饮水卫生应急措施

    Emergency Measures on Drinking Water Sanitation for Mitigation of Flood and Waterlogging Disasters

  9. 安徽省农村饮水卫生现状调查及分析

    Study of Countermeasure and Present Situation of Drinking Water Sanitation in Countryside of Anhui

  10. 厦门农村饮水卫生研究

    Sanitary Investigation of Rural Drinking Water in Xiamen

  11. 净化后水质符合饮水卫生标准。

    After combined treatment , the water quality met the Sanitary Standard for Drinking Water .

  12. 莆田农村饮水卫生与生态农庄建设探讨

    On the Healthy Potable Water and the Construction of Ecological Village in Countryside of Putian

  13. 目的研究洪涝灾害地区灾民饮水卫生及干预效果。

    Objective To study sanitary condition of drinking water and effect of intervention in flood areas .

  14. 南通市农村饮水卫生与水性疾病的调查研究

    Survey on the Sanitary Condition of Drinking Water and Water Borne Diseases in Rural Areas of Nantong

  15. 安徽省淮河流域洪涝灾害地区饮水卫生状况及干预效果研究

    Study on effect of intervention and status on sanitary of drinking water of flood areas , Huaihe river in Anhui

  16. 以及若干套包括饮水卫生的有关技术等各种饮水、环境和卫生专题的招贴画和小册子;

    Sets of posters and pamphlets on various water , environment and sanitation topics , including appropriate water and sanitation technologies ;

  17. 结论西北地区部队营区69.6%的自备生活饮用水水源受到不同程度的污染,应采取有效消毒措施。同时,加强饮水卫生监测监督,完善水源管理制度,减少水源污染。

    Conclusion 69.6 % of water sources of drinking water provided for themselves were polluted in different degree in eastern unit of Lanzhou Command .

  18. 目的了解农村饮水卫生质量和水井结构对水质影响情况。

    OBJECTIVE To Understand the health quality of the Countryside drinking water and water well structure to influence a circumstance to the water quality .

  19. 同时结合农村饮水卫生建设提出高起点规划建设生态农庄,并就生态农庄模式、生态环境保护、生态农业发展等问题进行了探讨。

    This thesis also puts forward some ideas on building ecological village and ecological village pattern , ecological environment protection and ecological agriculture development .

  20. 饮用水微生物污染严重,农民饮水卫生条件亟待改进。

    The drinking water is polluted by microorganism seriously , and the hygiene condition of drinking water for farmers need to be improved urgently .

  21. 目的了解桶装饮用水生产企业的卫生管理、卫生设施及饮水卫生质量。

    [ Objective ] To understand the sanitation management , the sanitation infrastructure and sanitation quality of the plastic tub contained drinking water in manufacturing enterprises .

  22. 目的调查深圳市管道直饮水卫生现状,为制订直饮水卫生规范提供依据。

    Objective To investigate the hygienic status of piping keeps of drinking water in Shenzhen in order to provide evidence to establish the hygiene standards of drinking water .

  23. 搞好饮水卫生加强饮水消毒,不论是自来水,还是井水、河水、塘水都要消毒。

    Do well water wholesome is strengthened water disinfection , it is tap water no matter , or well water , river water , pond water wants to disinfect .

  24. 市民要注意不吃生、半生或腐败变质食品;注意饮水卫生,减少食源性疾发生。

    The public are also advised not to have uncooked , half-cooked , or contaminated food , and should also be cautious about drink water safety , to cut down the occurrence of food poisoning .

  25. 结论我省农村学校的饮水卫生安全不容忽视,卫生厕所普及率偏低,我省农村学校水与环境卫生设施建设比其他教育设施相对滞后。

    Conclusions The hygienic safety of drinking water of rural schools in our province was indispensable , the water and environmental hygiene facilities of rural schools in our province were in a relatively backward and underdeveloped stage .

  26. 以莆田市为例,讨论了农村饮水卫生工程建设的相关问题,如水资源的开发利用、供水管网的敷设、污水处理与水环境保护等;

    The exploitation of water resource , the laying of water supply pipes network , the sewage treatment , the water environmental protection and so on are closely related to the construction of healthy potable water in the countryside .

  27. 新疆农村饮水工程卫生状况调查

    Investigation of Sanitation State of Drinking Water Projects in Xinjiang Countryside

  28. 有了洁净饮水和卫生条件,就意味着更多的孩子可以上学。

    Clean water and sanitation also mean more children in school .

  29. 南通市售净水器、饮水机卫生现状调查结果

    Hygienic Status of Saled Water Purification and Drinking Water Dispensers in Nantong City

  30. 重庆市部分高校饮水机卫生状况调查

    Investigation on the Hygienic Quality of Water Dispenser in some Colleges of Chongqing City