
  • 网络dietetic custom
  1. 韩国的饮食风俗

    The diet custom in Corea

  2. 自从十年前西式快餐进进直以去,我们的饮食风俗产死了剧变。

    Our eating habits have changed drastically since western fast food was introduced into China ten years ago .

  3. 江苏南北饮食风俗表现在人生礼仪方面的差异也很明显。

    The difference of the food customs of the South and the North of Jiangsu expressed in life ceremony and propriety is also evident .

  4. 要是您运用了我在那篇文章里提到的一些贴士,你会发明孩子的饮食风俗有了重年夜的变化。

    If you use the tips I 've provided in that article , you will notice a significant change in the eating habits of your children .

  5. 饮食的风俗和习惯美国人的饮食习惯很有趣。

    Eating Custom and Practice American eating is funny .

  6. 鱼文化在我国的历史上及人们的饮食、风俗、美术等方面都有各种表现。

    In the history of our country exist various manifestations about fish culture which can be found in diets , customs and even the fine arts and so on .

  7. 口音、饮食习惯和风俗传统具有的区域分界日渐淡化,全国同化趋势上升。

    Accents , diets , and customs became less regional , more national .

  8. 这些说法文化内涵丰富,主要表现在以下六个方面:历史典故,宗教信仰,园林艺术,饮食文化,民族风俗和思维模式。

    These unique items are mostly culture-loaded in the following six aspects : historical relics , scenery rich in religious sense , the art of gardening , foods , national customs and the thinking mode .

  9. 通过对饮食、娱乐、风俗等方面的考察与分析,从中可看出临安市民生活文化的三个特点,即浓厚的商业气息,崇尚奢侈的生活方式和对封建正统规范的反叛意识。

    Based on a survey and analysis of their drinking and eating , entertainment and customs , three features of their living culture can be found : strong commercial atmosphere , advocating luxurious way of life and consciousness of rebellion against feudal orthodox standards .

  10. 当时的饮食资源得到了广泛开发,饮食结构更趋合理,烹饪艺术更趋成熟,而所形成的饮食风俗则为整个中国古代饮食风俗奠定了基础。

    In Chin and Han Dynasty , not only the productivity development provided rich resource , but also dietary became more reasonable , cuisine more maturely . The customs formations at that time , established the foundation for the whole Chinese Ancient Dietary Customs .