
  • 网络Life Code;numerology
  1. 以基因技术的发展为龙头,人类探索的手掌已经伸向大自然最神秘的地方&生命的密码DNA。

    With gene technology being its vanguard , biotechnology has advanced into DNA & the most mysterious life code .

  2. 科学家现在正在破解人的生命的密码。

    Scientists now are decoding the blue-print of human life .

  3. 第三主题:象征纯白与血红,象征生命的密码,引领我们探询神秘与虚幻的世界。

    Third topic : symbol-pure white and blood red , it stands for the code of life , and leads us to investigate mystery world .

  4. 科学家现在正在破解人的生命的密码。密码学中,在高卢战争中使用的一种单表置换密码,或称替代密码的早期例子。

    Scientists now are decoding the blue-print of human life . In cryptography , an early example of monoalphabetic , or substitution cipher used in the Gallic wars .

  5. 自60年代后,随着分子生物学兴起,导致今日生物科学的一次新飞跃,揭开了生命本质遗传密码的一致性和基因工程的新面貌。

    Since the 1960s , as the development of molecular biology , leading to a great leap in biological science today , explosing the essence of life consistency with heredity code and a new features of gene engineering .

  6. 比如说,直到最近,生命起源的遗传密码和蛋白质合成在生命产生之初的同步问题仍然在困扰着我们。

    For instance , until a few years ago the origin of the genetic code and of protein synthesis were considered synonymous with the appearance of life itself .

  7. 在生命自组织系统中,序参量&潜意识(广义)即阴性物质世界,就是生命程序和密码编制的总设计师。

    Within the self - organization system , the order parameter is the chief designer for life process and code working the subconsciousness the yin material world .