
  • 网络NYK;NYK Line;nippon yusen;Nippon Yusen Kaisha;Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha
  1. 作为马士基(MAERSK)、东方海外(OOCL)、日本邮船(NYK)以及阳明海运(YML)的专业订舱代理,我们一直坚持为船务公司及广大客户提供高质量的订舱代理服务。

    Being the professional Booking Agent for MAERSK , OOCL , NYK and YML , we 've been providing high quality booking service for shipping lines and numerous clients .

  2. 近20多年来,作为全球知名的国际航运企业,铁行渣华、马士基、日本邮船等敏锐地洞察到了航运企业的发展方向,成功地迈进了综合物流服务领域。

    In recent 20 years , as world-wide well known international shipping companies , P & O NEDLLOYD , NYK Line and MAERSK have had an insight into the development orientation of shipping company exquisitely and succeeded entering the integrated logistics domain .