
  • 网络Japanese architects
  1. 世纪末孕育的SuperFlat一代&年轻的1960年代日本建筑师之现状

    The Super Flat Generation-Current Situation of Young Japanese Architects from the 1960s

  2. “SuperFlat”现象与20世纪60年代出生的日本建筑师相伴而生。

    " super flat " phenomena combining with Japanese architects bom in the 1960s .

  3. 据NPR新闻的内达·乌达比报道,这位71岁的日本建筑师几十年来在这一领域都拥有强大的影响力。

    NPR 's Neda Ulaby reports the 71-year-old Japanese architect has been a powerful presence in this field for decades .

  4. 建于19世纪的基督城大教堂(ChristChurchCathedral)在地震中夷为平地,2013年8月,日本建筑师坂茂带领人们用坚硬的纸卷撑起屋顶,建起一座壮丽的过渡期教堂。

    To replace the badly damaged 19th-century ChristChurch Cathedral , a magnificent transitional church by the Japanese architect Shigeru Ban openedin August with sturdy cardboard tubes for the roof .

  5. 选择日本建筑师隈研吾(KengoKuma)以“木与绿”为主题的设计方案是希望结束数月以来的不确定状态。

    The selection of the " trees and green " themed stadium designed by Japanese architect Kengo Kuma sought to end months of uncertainty .

  6. 感觉的建筑&日本建筑师六角鬼丈教授设计作品析

    Architecture for Senses & On Prof. Kijo Rokkaku 's Design Works

  7. 解读获普利兹克奖的三位日本建筑师

    Analysis of three Japanese architects & Winners of the Pritzker Architecture Prize

  8. 日本建筑师专家责任研究

    The Research on Expert 's Responsibility of Japanese Architect

  9. 日本建筑师的执业活动包含设计与监理两大业务的形式更为合理,应当适当调整我国建筑师的执业活动范围。

    It is more reasonable that practising activities include the design and supervision .

  10. 石井和纮&新一代日本建筑师

    A Japanese Architect of the New Generation

  11. 现代性与都市幻像日本建筑师1980年以来在上海的建筑设计的空间分析

    An Alternative Modernity and Metropolitan Fantasy An Analysis of Space of Architecture by Japanese Architects since 1980

  12. 日本建筑师将传统建筑中对空间、环境的处理方法运用到建筑设计当中来。

    Japanese architects use the design ways of traditional buildings in space and environment to the mod-ern house design .

  13. 世运会将在一座创新的开放式场馆举行,这座场馆由一名日本建筑师设计,采用太阳能,造价1.45亿美元。

    The World Games will be launched in an innovative open-ended , solar-powered stadium designed by a Japanese architect .

  14. 本文以日本建筑师六角鬼丈的建筑思想及其作品为主要研究对象。

    Kijo Rokkaku , Japanese architect , his design concepts and works were the mainly research objects of this paper .

  15. 占地33000平方英尺的场馆由日本建筑师坂茂设计,旨在展现爬山体验。

    The 33000-square-foot space , designed by the Japanese architect Shigeru Ban , is meant to reflect the mountain experience .

  16. 他介绍,这些和式洋风的小楼是一些有欧洲留学背景的日本建筑师在大连建造的。

    He said Japanese architects who had studied in Europe and combined European and Japanese styles went on to construct the Japanese-style buildings .

  17. 将建设国家体育场的东京奥运会主会场目前仍是一片杂草、空空荡荡,组织者正在权衡日本建筑师新提交的两个设计方案。

    The central Tokyo site where the national stadium is to be built remains a weed-grown expanse of emptiness as organisers weigh two newly-submitted designs by Japanese architects .

  18. 东京昨日试图将其丑闻缠身的2020年奥运会筹备工作拉回正轨,它最终选定了一位日本建筑师的新国家体育馆设计方案。

    Tokyo attempted to put its scandal-hit preparations for the 2020 Olympics back on track yesterday when it finally settled on a Japanese design for the new national stadium .

  19. 摘要该文以的东京饭田桥站地铁车站为例,初步探讨了日本建筑师渡边诚的设计思想和设计方法。

    Taking the design of the Iidabashi subway station at Tokyo as an example , this paper discusses the design principles and the methods of Japanese architect Makata Sei Watanabe .

  20. 该文通过对日本建筑师参与的青岛一滨海居住区规划方案加以浅析,希望能对形成这种风格的根源加以探讨,并对日本居住环境设计理念进行初步总结。

    This paper tries to study the origin of this style and make a tentative summary by analyzing a planning project of seashore housing estate in Qingdao , which Japanese architects participate in .

  21. 本文将日本建筑师安藤忠雄的建筑作品体验与日本劝漫大师宫崎骏的的动画片作品感受结合起来,共同来阐释建筑艺术对人们的心灵的净化与启迪。

    This paper combines the perception of the works by Japanese architect Tadao Ando and that of animated cartoon works by Master Hayao Miyazaki to state that the architecture art can purify and enlighten people 's soul .

  22. 先尽情享用松软的叉烧包、煎萝卜糕和自制核桃露(喝起来像甜汤),然后在兼作画廊的大堂里欣赏日本建筑师隈研吾的未来主义设计。

    Feast on fluffy barbecued pork buns , pan-fried turnip cakes and homemade walnut milk ( it tastes like a sweet soup ) and then take in the Japanese architect Kego Kuma 's futuristic design in the lobby-cum-gallery space .

  23. 走向诗的空间&日本著名建筑师高松伸的创作旅程

    Approaching Poetic Space & Famous Japanese Architect Shin Takamatsu 's Design Works

  24. 自然风景的再现&日本景观建筑师三谷彻及其作品

    The Reproduction of Natural Scenery & on Japanese Land-scape Architect Mitani Toru and his Works

  25. 我还惊奇的发现他喜欢日本著名建筑师安滕忠雄的作品,更让我吃惊的是他对安滕忠雄的经历了解得那么深入。

    I was surprised to find he liked the work of Tadao Ando , even more surprised he even knew who Tadao Ando was .

  26. 日本新生代建筑师建筑创作研究

    Study of Young Japanese Architect

  27. 日本最好的建筑师之一妹岛和世被任命执行此次任务,而显然她以前从来没有设计过火车。

    Kazuyo Sejima , one of Japan 's premier architects who had apparently never penned a train before , has been commissioned to execute the design .

  28. 通过对日本著名现代建筑师及其作品的分析,探寻日本现代建筑中传统与创新相结合的成功之道,为我国建筑师在建筑设计中提供创新与传统相结合设计方法的借鉴。

    By studying the famous modern Japanese architects and analyzing their masterpieces , this paper tries to find out the way in their successful combination of creation and tradition , which may be helpful to Chinese architects in their creating career .

  29. 五名来自中国,日本和欧洲的建筑师都参与了这一特殊的结构设计。

    Five architects from China , Japan and Europe are involved in the design of this exceptional construction .

  30. 该楼在1971年开放,在当时的纽约属于典型的日本建筑风格,由日本著名的建筑师吉村顺三设计。

    The building itself was designed by famous Japanese architect Junzo Yoshimura and was the building of Japanese architecture in NYC when it opened in 1971 .