
  • Murphy;【人名】Maufee
  1. Nasa周一宣布与谷歌达成租约时表示,莫菲特机场设施将被用于太空探索、航空、月球车/机器人等新兴科技领域的研究、开发、装配和试验。

    Announcing a deal with Google on Monday , Nasa said the Moffett facilities would be used for research , development , assembly and testing in the areas of space exploration , aviation , rover / robotics and other emerging technologies .

  2. Nasa周一宣布与谷歌达成租约时表示,莫菲特机场设施将被用于“太空探索、航空、月球车/机器人等新兴科技领域的研究、开发、装配和试验。”

    Announcing a deal with Google on Monday , Nasa said the Moffett facilities would be used for " research , development , assembly and testing in the areas of space exploration , aviation , rover / robotics and other emerging technologies . "

  3. 此前Nasa拒绝了谷歌支付翻新莫菲特机场一号飞机库的费用的提议,但允许谷歌高管将私人飞机停靠在该机场,并在去年提出对机场设施翻新项目进行招标。

    The space agency rejected an offer to pay for the renovation of Moffett 's Hangar One , which stands some 200 feet high , in return for allowing Google executives to house their planes in the building , opting instead to run a competitive tender for facilities last year .

  4. 《莫菲》与《瓦特》:本体论洞穴中永恒的心灵壁画

    Murphy and Watt : Timeless Frescoes of Soul in the Ontological Cave

  5. 莫菲氏滴壶内液体过多的处理方法

    Method of Dealing With Too Much Fluid in the Murphy 's Dropper

  6. 莫菲氏管下大量空气排出的两种方法的对比

    Comparison of Two Ways Drained Large Quantity of Air from Murphy 's Dropper

  7. 倒置莫菲氏壶致一次排气失败的原因分析及对策

    Causative analysis on failure of inverted Murphy 's dropper induced disposable aerofluxus and its strategy

  8. 超声莫菲氏征阳性。

    Murphy sign of ultrasound was positive .

  9. 输血时莫菲氏滴管内液面高度与红细胞损伤的研究

    Relationship between Fluid Highness in Murphy 's Dropper and Red Blood Cell Damage during Transfusion

  10. 便于理解蚂蚁的“自杀”,莫菲特建议把蚂蚁群体看作是组织。

    To understand such behavior , Moffett suggests that we think of an ant colony like a single organism .

  11. 目的:探讨由莫菲氏滴管加入(简称加滴管)静滴药物的药液量范围,滴出液最大药物浓度及滴完加滴管内药物所需要的液体量。

    Objective : To find out medicine volume of intravenous dropper the maximum concentration and volume used to drip the medicine .

  12. 中国第一美女公会妖姬宅今日为大家带来了“优乐美眉&白莫菲”最新的性感内衣照!

    Association of the first beauty strange woman brought home today for everyone ," excellent music crush-White Murphy " What 's sexy underwear !

  13. 然而,加州莫菲特场市美国国家航空航天管理局艾姆斯研究中心的理论天体物理学家杰克·利索尔对此要乐观得多。

    However , Jack Lissauer , a theoretical astrophysicist at NASA 's Ames Research Center in Moffet Field , California , is much more optimistic .

  14. 方法:采用全封闭内加压原理,以克服现有输液器具必须悬挂在支架上才能使用的缺陷,同时将输液器的莫菲管作了相应的改进。

    Methods : According to internal pressuring mechanism , the defects of height and direction-necessity of the present infusion bottles and tubes had been successfully overcome .

  15. 莫菲特机场一号机库委员会的史蒂夫-威廉姆斯表示说,我们不想看到在那片机库印上200英尺(约合61米)大的谷歌的名字。

    We don 't want to see ' Google ' in 200-foot letters on that hangar , said Steve Williams of the Save Hangar One Committee .

  16. 除了把莫菲特机场作为谷歌顶级高管的私人飞机基地外,谷歌还将租用机场部分土地以扩建其设施。

    Besides using it for the private planes of its top executives , Google has already agreed to lease part of the land to extend its facilities .

  17. 白莫菲现在就读于北京大学,喜欢她的朋友可以到北大尝试下“寻找莫菲”哦!

    White Murphy is now studying at Beijing University , likes her friends can go to the North to the next " In Search of Murphy ," Oh !

  18. 他们打算斥资3300万美元(约合2.1亿元人民币)帮助翻新军民两用的莫菲特联邦机场,这座机场位于美国加州山景城和桑尼维尔市之间。

    They want to pay $ 33 million to help finish renovation of Moffett Federal Field , a joint civilian / military airport located between Mountain View and Sunnyvale .

  19. 在莫菲特出版的新书《蚁群历险记》中,他描述并展示了某些种群的蚂蚁如何使用“自杀式爆炸”来清除异类的过程。

    In his new book Adventures Among Ants , Moffett describes and shows how some ants will commit suicide in a very dramatic way while taking others out with them .

  20. 任天堂的北美销售与营销执行副总裁斯科特o莫菲特表示:大家已经非常喜欢我们的角色了,他们也喜欢看到这些角色以不同的方式活灵活现地出现在不同的任天堂游戏中。

    People already have an affinity for our characters , and they love seeing them come to life in different ways in different Nintendo games , Scott Moffitt , EVP of Sales and Marketing for Nintendo of America , says .