
  1. 这是与男孩们外出玩得最尽兴的一个晚上。

    It was a full-on night out with the boys .

  2. 他们偶尔出去玩上一个晚上。

    They enjoy a night out occasionally .

  3. 我们喝了很多酒,跳了一个晚上的舞。

    The wine flowed and we danced the night away

  4. 她每周有一个晚上会用车。

    She will have the use of the car one night a week .

  5. 做这些坚果的最好方法就是用水浸泡一个晚上,为其补充水分。

    The best way of preparing the nuts is to rehydrate them by soaking overnight .

  6. 像她那样的人为什么要跟我这样的人共度一个晚上呢?

    Why would somebody like her want to spend an evening with the likes of me ?

  7. 他用了整整一个晚上向母亲表达孝心。

    He spent the whole evening assuring his mother of his love and devotion .

  8. 我们找一个晚上聚会一次,叙叙旧。

    Let 's get together one evening and talk about old times .

  9. 我一个晚上就看完了这本小说。

    I got through the novel in one evening .

  10. 他用了一个晚上才把这些琐碎事踢蹬完。

    It took him a whole evening to take care of these small jobs .

  11. 例如,我不能接受再露营一个晚上!

    For example , I can 't face another night of camping !

  12. 我想如果Rachel明天要留下来,我可以一个晚上不要去打曲棍球。

    C : I guess if Rachel is going to stay tomorrow , I can ditch5 hockey for a night .

  13. 我们出去好好地玩一个晚上,庆祝我们交往一周年。

    Let 's have a night on the town to celebrate our one year anniversary .

  14. 我取票时发现他订错了日期,订成了另一个晚上的票。

    When I went to collect the tickets , he 'd made the booking for the wrong night .

  15. 我相信只要你好好休息一个晚上,一定会变得精神饱满的。

    I am sure you will be as fresh as a daisy after a good night 's rest .

  16. 可以选择一个晚上来慢慢看,对你的思想和心灵都是一种真正的享受。

    To spend a night in its company would be a real treat for both your mind and your heart .

  17. 多年前的一个晚上,我在宁静的夜色中乘船经过某个大都市。

    One night many years ago I was on the bridge of a ship that passed one of our large cities on a quiet night .

  18. 整个故事都只发生在毕业的那个夏天的某一个晚上、两个疯狂的Party,也许最后主角之前会产生一些感情。

    The whole movie takes place over one night , at two crazy parties , the summer after college , and there might just be some love between the two by the end .

  19. 前不久的一个晚上,我走进酒吧时,音响里正在播放至上女声组合(TheSupremes)的《住手!以爱之名》(Stop!IntheNameofLove)。

    The Supremes " " Stop ! In the Name of Love " was on the sound system when I walked in the other night .

  20. 当我和Renee搭便车周围转的时候,我们在他祖母那里逗留了一个晚上。

    When I hitchhiked around with Renee we stayed one night with her grandmother here .

  21. 近日的一个晚上,从小在英国长大、现居北京的动画师普劳洛夫(HenryProudlove)在酒吧里说,他并非沿着街道散步、突然心血来潮想喝一杯白酒才进来的;

    On a recent night at the bar , patron Henry Proudlove , a Beijing-based animation designer who grew up in England , admits he wasn 't walking down the street and suddenly feeling in the mood for baijiu .

  22. 1993年的夏天,酩悦香槟(MotChandon)的老板被困在他位于埃佩尔奈的办公室中整整一个晚上,陪伴他的只有满满一冰箱的香槟。

    Back in the summer of 1993 , the boss of Mot Chandon was trapped in his Epernay offices overnight with only a fridge full of bubbly for company .

  23. 去年特里勾引这位作为时装设计师的金发女郎的时候,她正和Sugababe组合的AmelleBerrabah在WhiskyMist夜店参加派对。讽刺的是,当时是一月的一个晚上,布里奇正要离开切尔西。

    The blonde fashion designer had been partying with the Sugababe Amelle Berrabah in Whisky Mist when Terry approached her last year , ironically on the night of Wayne Bridge 's leaving do in January .

  24. 一个晚上我吃佩奥特时产生了幻觉。

    When one night I ate peyote and had a vision .

  25. 我记得六年前在图桑市的一个晚上。

    I remember this one night in Tucson six years ago .

  26. 跟朋友聚会过一个晚上。

    Spend an evening in the society of one 's friends .

  27. 每个人一个晚上需要至少八个小时的睡眠。

    Everyone needs to have at least eight hours'sleep a night .

  28. 这颗坏牙痛得她一个晚上没睡着。

    The broken tooth kept her awake all night with toothache .

  29. 它们大部分一个晚上索价都低于美金十元。

    Most of them cost under US $ 10 a night .

  30. 在训练的一个晚上,我不禁哭了。

    One night during training , I broke down in tears .