
I don 't wear a watch . I switch off my computer , so I can 't hear the email pinging into the basket , and I just slow down to his pace and we read .
Jonathan Douglas , director of the National Literacy Trust , said : More must be done to help parents realise what a difference reading with their children from a young age can make to their future .
This shall be read in conjunction with the specifications attached elsewhere in the bid .
Let 's read Zhang : Sarah , let 's go to the park this afternoon .
Reading together regularly can strengthen that connection , helping your toddler feel safe and comfortable .
Reading with your kids
The following discussion should be read in conjunction with our financial statements and notes thereto included in this report .
As you read with your children , first read the sentences , and ask them to repeat after you .
I know on this Father 's Day all those books that I read with Chelsea together are among my most precious memories .
I try to believe that it is your hand that turns the pages ; that you are sitting and reading with me .
You like to read all the letters with me ? You can sit next to me , and you can work with me every day .
I read with young kids in a pre-K program , where kids are getting a head start learning the skills they 'll need to succeed in life .
We read together , " As You Like It , " Burke 's " Speech on Conciliation with America , " and Macaulay 's " Life of Samuel Johnson . "
In an attempt to approximate a Victorian reading experience , this class will read Dickens 's great novel Bleak House in serial installments throughout the semester , alongside other texts .
If you talk and read to him often , that 's the best way to spark his communication skills , even if he can 't understand what you 're saying just yet .
Reading the two books together , one of the most valuable lessons to emerge is that if you want to build a billion-dollar business , it pays to learn the local language .
Establish a daily 15 to 30 minute time when everyone in the family reads together silently . Seeing you read will inspire your children to read . Just 15 minutes of daily practice is sufficient to increase their reading fluency .
Let 's go for a long ride Sundays ; let 's go to the mountains weekends ; let 's read books in front of fires ; most of all let 's really grow together and find the happiness we know is ours , he continued .
Put pens and pencils together , reading material in its own pile , mail in another , and so on .
While you still have some holiday time left before school begins , use this time to continue reading and speaking English with your friends .
Your use of Citibank Online is to be governed by these terms and conditions , which are to be read together with the account conditions .
If we only utilize JSP to develop Web application , we will find that the mix of business logic , Java codes on dynamic display and HTML makes many difficulties in reading , debugging and maintaining .
The reading we will do together invites careful scrutiny of the world we live in and indeed an invitation to intervene in it .
Moving from theory to practice , the trainer will work with teachers to discuss the usefulness of the skills in the Chinese context and how they can best apply an Interactive Approach .
The teacher , along with the students , was reading in the library .
Parents and children will have time not only to work , but to read and play together .
Fortunately , parents and children both take positive attitudes towards parent-child reading , and they like reading with each other .
Learn something new together , maybe a new language , a new skill , cook something new together or read a book together .