
  • 网络real time;actual time
  1. 但是对于量子计算的真实时间而言,就连这些米都是不一样大的。

    But in the real time calculated by quantum , even those grains are of different volume .

  2. 利用电子技术模拟生物神经元的各种动态特性,可以提供一个在真实时间尺度下、快速实验的平台,可以解决生物实验和数字仿真的一些难点。

    The electric neurons can provide a real time and rapid platform to solve the difficulties when doing numerical simulation and biological experiment .

  3. 终于,在克莱尔20岁那年,在真实时间28岁的亨利再次见到了她。

    When she is 20 , she meets a 28-year-old " real-time " Henry .

  4. 对伪时间收敛精度控制,真实时间步长对结果的影响进行了讨论。

    The influence of the magnitude of physical time step and inner iteration tolerance are discussed .

  5. 内存访问的真实时间代价是隐藏的,提供的数据可以从缓存中获得。

    The true cost of memory access is hidden , provided data can be obtained from cache .

  6. 针对不同的老化特征,选择使用适合的鉴别方法可以确定文件制成的真实时间。

    To ascertain the real making time of the document in view of the ageing characteristics and choosing the suitable identification means .

  7. 图片说明中提供的信息必须包括照片拍摄的真实时间、地点和环境。

    Caption information must give the true information about the date , the location and the circumstances under which a photo was taken .

  8. 对于这一问题,若采用由光纤和光电子元件实现的真实时间延迟网络就可以解决。

    This difficulty , however , can be overcome if True-Time-Delay ( TTD ) network which is made up of fiber and photonic devices is used .

  9. 同时将研究结果和时贤的研究进行了比较,得出了这三种语言现象在真实时间上的变化,进一步验证了显象时间上的研究。

    After comparing this research result with the former research , the changes of these three language phenomena in real time are showed , which validate the research result in apparent time further .

  10. 介绍了传统相控阵雷达中移相器的工作原理,重点论证了光真实时间延迟网络在宽瞬时带宽情况下的无波束偏斜特性,并介绍了业已提出的几种真实时间延迟网络的实现原理。

    Introduce the working principle of phased-shifter in traditional PAA system . Put much emphasis on the demonstration of the characteristic of none " beam squint " of TTD network in wide instant bandwidth and give several ever-advanced principles of realization of the network .

  11. 对每个真实物理时间步采用五步RungeKutta时间推进进行虚拟定常迭代。

    In a real-time step , a five-stage Runge-Kutta time stepping is applied to the fictitious steady iterations .

  12. 条形码给了我们所谓的真实的时间信息。

    Bar codes give us we 'll call real time information .

  13. 有了这些,你的信息就有了真实的时间性。

    You have it all in real time .

  14. 如同我以前解释过的,真实的时间框架是不相干的。

    Kirael : As I explained before , the actual time frame is irrelevant .

  15. 它可以是真实的时间,也可以是游戏中的时间。

    It can be real time or it can be the time within the game ,

  16. 注意在下面所有的例子中,真实的时间变化很大,都是随机的。

    Note that in all the samples below , the actual time varies widely and randomly .

  17. 最后,他们拿着退休金退休是真实的时间是远远低于他们之前的祖先的。

    When , eventually , they retire it will be on pensions fa lower in real terms than those of their immediate forebears .

  18. 我们可以安排光线出现我时间,从不同于外面真实的时间开始,使其成为人工的白昼。

    And we can time the lighting to make their artificial " days ," start at some different time from the real outside day .

  19. 被要求考虑是保留还是放弃数字记忆还有另外一个益处:它将让我们更关注在真实的时间里我们的体验!

    Being required to think about whether to retain or discard a digital memory will have another side benefit : It will make us pay closer attention in real time ! to our experiences .

  20. 柏格森哲学的逻辑起点在于对什么是真实的时间的思考,指出他全面质疑的是人类理性对时间的宰制,把时间还原到它的原初状态,重新发现了时间的生命本质;

    This article asserts that Bergson took the idea-time is authentic-as the starting point of his philosophical thinking , he challenged the traditional ideas of time on the basis of man 's rationality , and reconfirmed the life 's essence of time .

  21. 录像艺术是指视觉艺术家所创作的影像作品,基于它时基媒体的特性,我们从时间观的角度将它分为早期真实的时间和后期非线性的时间两个阶段。

    Video Art is a imagewise production by visual artists , Based on the character of time-based media , from the point of view of time , we can divide the video art in two phases : the real time in forepart and the non-linear time in the second phrase .

  22. 如果RTC初始化成这个时间值或从RTC激活后运行的一段时间内出现了一个错误,它们带来的变化都将影响真实的时钟时间。

    The variance could be to actual clock time if the RTC was initialized to that , or simply an error in elapsed time since the RTC was activated .

  23. 真实尺度地壳时间逆转效应的仿真研究

    Time-Reverse Effect on Real-sized Model of Crust

  24. 日记体小说的文体特征在于它的真实性、时间形式和封闭性主题。

    Literary characteristics of diary-style fiction consist in the form of its reliability , time frame and closing motif .

  25. 关于说明时间,笔者认为不宜对行为人说明其巨额财产真实来源的时间加以限制;

    There should not put limitations on the time when the perpetrator should specify the source of the huge property .

  26. 每个反应单位对于真实世界中时间耗损将造成生命与财产的损失的理解时非常有必要的。

    It is essential that all responders understand that in the real world that time loss costs lives and property .

  27. 其文学作品中大量采用了现实主义的创作手法,主要体现在笛福笔下的人物真实性、时间真实性、细节描写的真实性等几方面。

    The realistic creation tactics in his literary works were greatly showed from such aspects as authenticity of characters , time and detail description under his pen .

  28. 基于流体动力学方程的行车时间估计模型不能很好地反映真实的行车时间,需要对其进行一定的改进。

    The travel time estimation model based on the dynamic fluid equation can not reflect the actual travel time well , which needs to make certain improvement .

  29. 早先的研究人员认为,人类妇女已经完全丧失了发情期,或是“隐藏”了发情期,从而使男人对于她们真实的排卵时间一无所知。

    Earlier sex researchers assumed that women had lost estrus entirely , or had " concealed " it , thereby keeping men in the dark as to when ovulation was actually taking place .

  30. 分形市场理论则认为:由于许多真实世界的时间序列都存在持续记忆,标准差无法区分这一效应,而分形维才是度量证券波动性的更好指标。

    However , in Fractal Market Hypothesis ( FMH ), the fractal dimension is brought up to be a better index of volatility than the standard error because the most of time series in real world often contain persistent memory which can not be distinguished by the standard error .