
  • 网络the selfish giant
  1. 你读过《自私的巨人》这个故事吗?

    Have you ever read the selfish giant ?

  2. 温暖的天气与快乐的情绪和这个自私的巨人分享。

    Warm weather and happy feelings with the selfish giant .

  3. 然而只有自私的巨人的花园却依旧是一片寒冬景象。

    Only in the garden of the Selfish Giant it was still winter .

  4. 他们都不愿意把他们香甜的水果、温暖的天气与快乐的情绪和这个自私的巨人分享。

    They don 't want to share their sweet fruit , warm weather and happy feelings with the selfish giant .

  5. 但是在自私的巨人的花园里却仍是一派残冬的景象&因为园内没有孩子的踪迹,鸟儿也就不愿在这儿歌唱,连树都忘了开花。

    But in the garden of the Selfish Giant it was till winter the birds did not like to sing in it because there were no children , and the trees forgot to bear flowers .