
  • 网络autonomy;independence ability;independent ability;Self Autonomy
  1. 其次是课外教学,C班学生自主能力较差,为提高他们的听说能力,每单元另外安排2学时在自主学习中心进行听说训练。

    Secondly , it is about after-class teaching . Students in Class C lack learner autonomy . In order to improve their listening and speaking ability , another 2 class hours is arranged to do listening and speaking practice in learner autonomy center .

  2. 该疾病有严峻的进一步病变趋势,患者会丧失自主能力,需要使用轮椅。

    This disease has a severe evolution , with loss of autonomy , requiring the use of a wheel chair .

  3. Agent是一个具有自主能力、交互能力、反应能力和预动能力的软件实体,能代表用户或其它程序,以主动服务的方式完成一组工作。

    Agent , bearing autonomy , sociability , reactivity , and pre-activeness , is a software entity , and able to stand in for other users or programs to complete work on its own initiative .

  4. 我国加入WTO后,护理工作在医院内部的竞争压力增大,护士自主能力加强,人才竞争加剧。

    In this paper , the authors report that China 's entry to WTO has brought out the increase of internal competition in hospitals , growth in nurse 's initiative ability and keen competition of talents .

  5. 从班级管理着手培养学生的自主能力

    To Develop Students ' Independence from the Point of Class Management

  6. 在危险环境中,具有自主能力的移动机械手便成为代替和辅助人类完成一定任务的最佳选择。

    The mobility and manipulation capability of a mobile manipulator provides convenience to accomplish some tasks in dangerous environment .

  7. 要落实德智体全面发展的教育方针,注重学生健全人格的培养,构建新型的师生关系,加强学习策略的教学,培养学生的自理自主能力。

    We should carry out education principle of moral , intellectual , physical full - development , pay attention to full-personality formation , establish new teacher-students relation , enhance study tactics'teaching , cultivate students self-service ability .

  8. 主体性教学课堂对学习者和教师提出了一定的要求,因此,要积极采取措施加强语言学习者自主能力的培养,当然自主性是相对的、不是绝对的;

    Some requirements are made for learners and teachers in the subject-teaching classroom and some measures should be actively taken to intensify the cultivation of learners ' autonomy ability . Of course autonomy is relative not absolute .

  9. 随着社会的发展对机器人自主能力的要求不断提高,视觉伺服的应用领域也不断扩大,机器人视觉伺服系统的研究有着很大的应用空间和现实意义。

    With the social development and continually increasing demands for autonomous ability of robots , the fields of applications on visual servo are increasingly enlarging , the study on robot visual servo system has great future and practical significance .

  10. 随着素质教育的提倡,以及以人为本和终身教育理念的兴起,学习者在学习过程中的主体作用得到越来越多的重视,学习者自主能力的培养也受到极大的关注。

    With great advocation of quality-oriented education , gradual rise in learner-centered language teaching and lifelong education , more stress has been put on learners ' central role in learning process and more attention has been given to developing learners ' autonomous learning ability .

  11. 让学生在了解生动历史故事的同时能够直观明确的了解高中历史教学重点、难点、考点,并充分发挥其自主能力与历史思维能力,使其端正学习态度,规范道德。

    Let the students know the vivid historical stories and intuitive clear understanding of the high school history teaching important and difficult , the examination site , and give full play to its own ability and the historical thinking ability , make its correct learning attitude , standardize the moral .

  12. 更进一步地,金融发展即可以提高的自主创新能力,还可以提高FDI的技术溢出效应。

    Furthermore , financial development can improve the capability of independent innovation , but also can improve the FDI technology spillovers .

  13. 借助CAE仿真技术,完成了从冲压工艺分析、优化到自动线结构设计和模具的制造,提高了自动冲压线的自主开发能力。

    Stamping process analysis and optimization and automatic line structure design and die manufacturing was fulfilled based on CAE simulation .

  14. 从经验发现,FDI会促进和推动区域的自主创新能力,但也出现了FDI抑制区域自主创新能力发展的例子。

    Found from experience , FDI will promote and facilitate regional independent innovation capability , but sometimes it will also inhibit the development of independent innovation capacity .

  15. 文章认为自行设计实验教学是PBL教学的发展形式,它以问题为中心、以学生为主体,旨在培养自主学习能力、团队精神、创新能力;

    Self-designing experiments instruction is the developmental form of PBL problem-oriented , student-centered , aiming to cultivate self-directing learning ability , team spirit and creativity .

  16. 阐述了采取C语言学用结合的方法培养学生自主学习能力,学用结合设计程序的过程,以及程序设计过程中资料搜集的重要性。

    This paper introduces the importance of studying by oneself , it takes the method of studying and using C language to develop the ability of studying by oneself , the procedure of studying and using program designing and the importance of data collecting .

  17. 国内制造型企业在经过了几十年的发展历程,已经深刻认识到传统的OEM模式的弊端,并开始注重企业的自主研发能力。

    The domestic manufacturing enterprises have realized the defects in the traditional mode of OEM after decades of development , and begin to pay attention to enterprise independent research and development ability .

  18. 但我国制笔企业的产品自主开发能力薄弱,多数企业还在使用落后的通用二维CAD软件进行产品设计,设计资源通常以文档和图纸的形式存放,缺乏有效的整理和归纳,重用效率低下。

    But our pen enterprises weak product self-development capacity , most of them design products still with behindhand common two-dimensional CAD software , and design resources are generally kept in the form of documents and drawings , lack of effectual collation and summarization , with very poor reuse efficiency .

  19. 江西省利用外资提升自主创新能力的机制研究

    Jiangxi Province Use Foreign Capital Promotion Independent Innovation Ability Mechanism Research

  20. 体育教学中如何加强自主锻炼能力的培养

    How To Strengthen The Independent Exercise Ability In The P.E. Teaching

  21. 依靠科技进步形成自主开发能力

    Depending on Technical Progress , Forming the Capability in Independent Development

  22. 英语自主学习能力与成绩关系的调查研究

    A Survey on Relationship between English Self-regulated Learning Abilities and Achievements

  23. 开放教育学员自主学习能力堪忧

    Anxiety about Students ' Ability of Learning Autonomously in Open Education

  24. 试论高职生外语自主学习能力的培养外语自主学习的理论与实践基础

    The Theoretical and Practical Foundations for Autonomy in Foreign Languages Learning

  25. 培养学生自主提问能力;

    3 , training students the abilities of asking question independently .

  26. 学校要帮助学生培养自主学习能力。

    The institution should help students to cultivate the autonomous learning competence .

  27. 实施技术跨越战略,提高汽车产业自主创新能力

    Implement Technological Leapfrogging Strategy and Prompt Auto Industry 's Independent Innovation Ability

  28. 目前,大学生英语自主学习能力普遍较低。

    The college students ' ability of self-regulated English learning is poor .

  29. 少数民族预科学生汉语自主学习能力浅析

    The Research of Mandarin Self-learning Ability of the Minority Nationality Preparatory Students

  30. 关于提高企业自主创新能力的几个问题

    Consideration on Promoting the Corporations ' Capability of Independent Innovation