
  1. 古代希伯来文学的悲喜剧性及民族意识

    Q & A on Sex The Tragicomic Characteristics and Ethnic Ideology in Ancient Hebrew Literature

  2. 欧美文学一向以希伯来文学和希腊文学为其渊源。

    Europe and America literature always takes Hebrew literature and Greece literature as whose origin .

  3. 谈古希伯来文学和早期基督教文学的教学定位

    Restore the Bible to Its Original Position & On the Teaching Orientation of Ancient Hebrew Literature and Early Christian Literature

  4. 所以大一那年秋天我决定修神经生物学和高等现代希伯来文学,因为我很严肃、很智慧。

    So freshman fall I decided to take neurologist and advanced modern Hebrew literature because I was serious and intellectual .

  5. 所以大一秋季我决定修神经生物学和高等现代希伯来文学,因为我很认真,很有智慧。不用说,我两科都应该挂掉。

    So freshman fall , I decided to take neurobiology and advanced modern Hebrew literature because I was serious and intellectual . Needless to say , I should have failed both .

  6. 忽视古希伯来文学对西方文学全面而深刻的影响,是我国外国文学界长期存在的一个严重的倾向性问题。

    The neglect of the comprehensive and profound impacts of ancient Hebrew literature on Western literatures has long been one of the serious defects in the field of foreign literature studies of China .

  7. 高等学校的外国文学教学应该在古希腊罗马文学与中世纪文学之间增加“古希伯来文学与早期基督教文学”一章。

    In the teaching of foreign literature in China 's institutions of higher learning , " ancient Hebrew literature and early Christian literature " should be inserted in between ancient Greek and Roman literature and the Middle Ages literature .

  8. 神-理性-人的三位一体&简论希伯来-基督教文学的人文性

    The Trinity of God-Rationality-Human Beings & the Humanity of Hebrew-literature of Christianity

  9. 希伯来-基督教文学的人本意识新解

    The Humanity of Hebrew - literature of Christianity

  10. 试论古希伯来《旧约》文学中神人关系的悖反&与古代西亚两河流域文学比较的视野

    On the contradiction of the relationship between gods and human beings in the Hebrew Old Testament in view of comparison & with ancient Mesopotamian literature