
  1. 学生一直都具有理想主义精神,虽然MBA学生大概没有那么严重。

    Students have always been idealistic , although MBA students probably less so .

  2. 如果你渴望跨国合作的理想主义精神,那么你和跨国新兴市场的老板就有的聊了。

    IF YOU hanker after the idealistic spirit of international co-operation , talk to the boss of an emerging-market multinational .

  3. 《野叟曝言》是一部集大成地体现封建理想主义精神的作品。

    In YESOUPUYAN , feudalist idealism spirit is synthesized , together with the absorption of the research results by scholars through ages .

  4. 2008年北京奥运会为中国传统精神文化的现代化提供了一个良好的机遇;中国传统精神文化中具有超越地域及时代性的理想主义精神对化解奥运会中的人文危机具有重要的作用。

    Also , the sprite of idealism in Chinese traditional culture can help to solve the problem of humanity crisis of the Olympic Games .

  5. 但庄学从可能性与实存性相统一之“道”肯定万物的存在价值与人的生命精神而提升现实人生境界,洋溢着积极的理想主义精神;

    Aiming to enhance real life realm by affirming the existent value of everything and the life spirit of man , Taoism is saturated with the positive spirit of idealism .

  6. 谷歌突然宣布考虑撤出中国,告别了资本主义世界最具理想主义精神的公司之一向威权压力低头的4个年头。

    Google 's sudden announcement that it is contemplating a withdrawal from China draws a line under four years when one of capitalism 's most idealistic companies bowed to authoritarian pressure .

  7. 自此之后,包括在艰难的战争岁月,莎士比亚的更多著作被陆续翻译成中文。中国读者为莎翁作品字里行间浸透的人文主义和理想主义精神所吸引,他们从中看到了许多与自己生活的共通之处。

    Many more translations followed , including during the difficult war years , as Chinese readers were attracted to Shakespeare and his works for his humanism and idealism . Along with the parallels they saw their own lives , as it was a turbulent period in Chinas history .

  8. 理想主义乌托邦精神是人的特质之一。

    A human trait is the possession of idealistic Utopian spirit .

  9. 理想主义乌托邦精神的时代解读

    Idealistic Utopian Spirit : A New Interpretation

  10. 美国文明的特征是我们政治生活中保守的自由主义,文化生活中重实际的理想主义,精神生活中重感情的理性主义,物质生活中敬神的实利主义。

    American civilization is characterized by conservative liberalism of our political life , the pragmatic idealism of our cerebral life , the emotional rationalism of our spiritual life and the godly materialism of our acquisitive life .

  11. 理想主义、英雄主义精神的烛照与偏离&对十七年文学中的母爱主题和儿童教育的思考

    Illuminated and Deviated by the Spirit of Idealism and Heroism - The Theme of Maternal Love and Children Education in 17 Years Literature

  12. 从反映大学本质属性的大学文化的角度看,好大学应具有理想主义的大学精神、高品位的人文环境和科学的大学制度。

    Viewing from the campus culture which reflects the nature of a university , a good university should have the idealist ideology , a high-grade humanistic environment and scientific system .

  13. 理想主义,企业家精神和雄心曾经是“为美国教书”的原动力,促使它说服聪明的大学毕业生延缓盈利性的职业,而加入该组织。

    Idealism , entrepreneurialism , and ambition were teach for america 's original strengths , enabling it to persuade bright college graduates to postpone lucrative careers and join the organization instead .

  14. 正文分为三章,第一章采用时间分期的方法,回顾了20年来成长小说发展的历史,得出成长小说创作的价值取向从理想主义和世俗精神并存到世俗化之风渐成主流的结论;

    The text is composed of three chapters . Chapter one reviews the history of initiation stories in the past 20 years , and makes a conclusion that the value orientation changes from coexistence of idealism and common customs sprit to mainstream of common customs sprit .

  15. 他觉得自己大胆、有理想主义和世界主义的精神。

    He felt daring and idealistic and cosmopolitan .

  16. 在当代,亟需一种充满人道主义、批判精神和理想精神的现实主义精神。

    In contemporary times it is urgent to own the spirit of realism full of humanism , criticism and idealism .

  17. 探讨周立波的理想主义与新文学精神及其“茶子花派”文学传统的赓续与超越。

    It is necessary to go forward with more and great strides for idealism , new creative spirits and literature tradition .

  18. 并且,这种信仰和尝试是他们全身心投入的、真诚的、热烈的,充满了理想主义的向上精神。

    And , this kind of belief and try is their spirit that they heart and soul invested , sincere , warm , and full of idealism .

  19. 理想唯心论是其文化哲学的基础,理想主义和自由精神是其文化观的基本特征。

    Idealism was the foundation of his cultural philosophy while idealism and spirit of freedom were the basic characteristics of his cultural view .