
  1. 根据Jiles-Atherton铁磁磁滞理论修改Brachtendorf磁滞数学模型得到了一种新的改进磁滞数学模型。

    The hysteresis model of Brachtendorf is modified according to the Jiles-Atherton ferromagnetic hysteresis theory , and a new improved hysteresis model can be proposed .

  2. 提出了利用元结构和筋板理论修改模型,建立五种方案。

    Five schemes of improving the bed are proposed based on unit structures & rib walls theory .

  3. 利用模态参数识别技术与分层建模理论修改分析模型

    Model Improvement Using Modal Parameters Identification Technique and the Theory of Modeling of an Elastic Dynamic Structure According to the Data with Various Confidence

  4. 经济学家开始试图修补经典理论,修改效用、禀赋函数、技术和市场信息结构等,但没有满意的答案。

    So economists begin to make up classical economic theories and modify utility and gift function , technological and market information structure .

  5. 所以我们对人格理论稍作修改,提出人格理论的秘诀在于-,给人格提供无分支的前提。

    So we revise the personality theory to say , the secret to personal identity is having the same personality & provided that there 's no branching .

  6. 组织测量系统分析的相关人员培训学习理论知识和修改后的《MSA分析作业规范》。

    Organize the relevant persons engaged in measuring system analysis to study theories and the revised " MSA Analysis Specifications " .

  7. 基于矩阵的SVD理论,通过修改设计阵的奇异值,提出了若干种直接解算病态(满秩或秩亏)观测方程的方法,以改善设计阵的病态性,提高参数估值的稳定性和准确性。

    Based on Singular Value Decomposition ( SVD ), several methods for directly solving ill conditioned equations with full rank or not full rank are proposed by modifying the singular values of the design matrix .

  8. 在我国建立行政诉讼调解制度已具备了实践基础和理论基础,修改行政诉讼法势在必行。

    It has been provided with basis of practice and theory to establish the system of mediation for administrative litigation .

  9. 或许是实验存在错误,或许是这个理论必须被修改或抛弃。

    There may be a fault in the experiment , or the theory may have to be revised or rejected .

  10. 该方法基于小振幅波理论,通过修改小振幅波波形建立具有尖锐波峰和卷曲波形的浅海波浪模型。

    This paper presents a new method for water wave animation based on the theory of small amplitude wave and the technical model of c.

  11. 根据半群理论,引进修改的能量函数,证明了具有阻尼项和力源项的四阶波动方程的初边值问题解的整体存在性。

    This paper investigate a class of higher order functional differential equations with damped term , and derive two new oscillatory criteria of solution .

  12. 工程结构的动态特性灵敏度分析对工程结构的动态设计、优化设计、控制理论和动态修改等方面的研究有着十分重要的意义。

    The structural dynamic SA in project is of great importance for the study on dynamic design , optimization design , control theory and dynamic modification etc.

  13. 从耦合方程出发讨论了磁层对太阳风作用的响应,证明磁层不是起半波整流器作用,从而表明经典的重联理论应有所修改。

    The results show that the magnetosphere does not act as the half-wave rectifier to the solar wind effects , hence the classical recon-nection scheme of the magnetosphere is proposed to be somewhat modified .

  14. 这些动态参数可作为理论分析模型修改和动力学模型修改的基本依据,验证了动力学模型建立的合理性和正确性。

    As the basic foundation , these dynamic parameters can be used to modify theoretical model and dynamic model . And they also can be used to verify the reasonableness and correctness of dynamic model .

  15. 本文对管内两相流动及传热进行了理论分析,修改和完善了空心导线冷却介质及壁面温度分布的源程序。

    In this paper , a study on two-phase flow and heat exchange inside pipe was made in theory , and the source program used in calculation of temperature distribution of coolant and wall along hollow wire was modified .

  16. 本方法把结构的形状改变看作其边界节点坐标在某一确定值邻域内的摄动,利用此边界元为基础的摄动理论,得到修改后结构的位移、面力、应力。

    Taking shape changes of the structure as perturbation of surface node coordinates within the neighborhood of given values , boundary element based perturbation technique is applied to obtain the node displacements , surface tractions and stresses of the modified system .

  17. 在我国,不起诉制度是在1979年刑事诉讼法规定的免予起诉、不起诉的基础上,根据我国十几年的司法实践和理论研究加以修改、完善而形成的一种制度。

    In China , based on the system of exemption from prosecution , which was regulated in the criminal procedure law in 1979 , the non-prosecution polices formed by reforming and perfecting according to the judicial practice and theory study for decades years .

  18. 我国学者对前苏联经济文化类型理论概念进行了修改。

    The scholar of China has revised the conception of the Economic-cultural type theory .

  19. 这些发现表明当前的热动力学理论模型需要进一步修改。

    These findings indicate that the current version of thermodynamic models needs to be modified .

  20. 随后,通过理论分析确定了修改检测参数的可行性并设计了具体的实施方案,使得检测仪的工作效率能够得到进一步的提高。

    The feasibility of modifying the detecting parameter is analyzed in theory to improve the efficiency of the detector .

  21. 尽管人们后来对他1913年提出的理论作了精细修改,但它仍是现代理论的基础。

    Although his theory , issued in1913 , has undergone some refinements , it remains the basis of our modern-day knowledge .

  22. 正值我国公司法修改草案出台之际,笔者运用公司契约理论对公司法修改进行经济学分析。

    As the time of revision draft of corporate law being published , the article use corporate contract theory to analyze the revision of corporate law .

  23. 因此,理论实践一体化场景的建设并不是原有理论的修改,而是从理念而起的提升。

    Therefore , learning-scenarios construction based on practical experience is not only change the original theory , but also improve its ideal .

  24. 从理论上讲,作者设计的实证研究是对投入量假设理论的一次验证,进一步验证,修改,完善理论。为有关理论的修改、或完善提供了实证数据。

    Theoretically , this empirical study partially testifies the validity of Involvement Load Hypothesis and at the same time provides empirical data to prove , revise it .