
fú chén
  • Dusting;horsetail whisk;fly whisk;chowrie;floating dust
拂尘 [fú chén]
  • [horsetail whisk] 掸除尘土,后专指掸尘土,驱蚊蝇的用具

  • 旁边丫鬟执着拂尘漱盂巾帕。--《红楼梦》

拂尘[fú chén]
  1. 拂尘在其悠久的发展历程中,广为人们所用、所知。

    The whisk is widely known to people in the long development .

  2. 只见那女子来了,看着拂尘不敢进门;

    His wife saw a girl coming and looking at the duster .

  3. 然而,由于各个时期的社会环境、人文氛围的区别,拂尘在历史潮流中扮演着不同的角色。

    But , because of different social environment and humanistic atmosphere , the whisk played a different role in history .

  4. 通过拂尘的文化价值和健身功能等方面的科学研究,让更多的人们认识到拂尘的价值与作用。

    By scientifically researching the cultural values and fitness function of whisk , more people realize the value and role of whisk .

  5. 这不是一间象其他被拂尘、打扫天花板的掸子以及扫帚经常清理过的房间,灰尘在里面安安静静地堆积着。

    This chamber was not one of those which are harassed by the feather-duster , the pope 's head brush , and the broom .