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fú shì
  • whisk off;wipe off;whisk or wipe off;flick;brush clean
拂拭 [fú shì]
  • [whisk or wipe off;flick;brush clean] 掸去或擦去尘土

拂拭[fú shì]
  1. 我感觉到一丝温暖的拂拭;

    I felt a warmth brush by me ;

  2. 从现在开始我将每天看着你整理你的床铺,扫地板和拂拭所有的家具。

    Starting now , I 'll watch you make your bed , sweep the floor and dust all the furniture every day .

  3. 他走到石桌前,把梅花放在桌上,摸出手帕拂拭了石凳上的灰尘,便坐下去。

    He placed the blossoms on the table ; after wiping the dust off one of the stone stools , he sat down .

  4. 用化妆棉将脂粉涂在脸部,轻轻拂拭使粉均匀.

    Put some powder on the sponge and dab it around the centre of your face . Blend the powder outwards using gentle stroke .

  5. 她拿出一个牛皮纸信封来,用手慢慢在上面拂拭,年年此日她都这么做的。

    She took out a - manila - envelope and brushed her hand across it slowly , as she did each year on this day .

  6. 院中间的是个水泵,小女孩们就在这里泵水用来做饭、拂拭卫生、浇灌花园。

    In the middle of the yard was a water pump where the four little girls pumped water for cooking , cleaning and watering the garden .