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shū tóng
  • a boy serving in a scholar's study;boy attendant at schsool
书童 [shū tóng]
  • [boy attendant at school] 旧时侍候主人及其子弟读书的未成年的仆人

书童[shū tóng]
  1. 集团总裁欧文先生在阳朔“书童国际苑”小区做英语学习法演讲(2009.05。)

    President of Buckland Owen gave a speech about English learning methods in Yangshuo " Shutong International Garden " community ( 2009.05 . )

  2. 穷苦书生朱孝廉(邓超饰)和他的书童进京赶考,不料迷路,并与山贼孟龙潭发生争执。

    A poor intellectual Zhu Xiaolian ( Deng Chao ) and his servant visit the capital to take an examination , but they stray and fall into a fight with a bandit , Meng Longtan .