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  1. 克莱尔·克拉克偶然看见刊登在文学期刊上的一篇文章(描述19世纪90年代,一位英国自由党派人士兼国会议员的妻子,过着双重生活的故事)时,脑海中就浮现出了《美丽谎言》的女主角。

    CLARE CLARK found her new heroine when she unearthed an article in a literary journal about a British Liberal MP 's wife who had led a double life in the 1890s .

  2. 论建筑的时代性兼我国建筑的发展趋势

    Modernization of architecture and trend of our architecture

  3. 助理署长兼联合国开发计划署日内瓦办事处主任

    AA Assistant Administrator and Director of the United Nations Development Programme Office at Geneva

  4. 正是这一过程,将中国变成了全球最高效的制造品生产国兼出口国。

    It is this process that transformed China into the world 's most efficient producer-cum-exporter of manufactured goods .

  5. 王雪介绍说,中国是全球最大的鱼翅进口国兼消费国,鱼翅作为中国顶级食材已有500年的历史了。

    China is the world ` s biggest importer and consumer of shark fin , which has been used in luxurious Chinese dishes for 500 years .

  6. 联合国驻华系统协调代表兼联合国开发计划署驻华代表马和励在会上强调了联合国开发计划署在帮助推动中国向低碳模式转型的决心。

    Khalid Malik , UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in China , underscored UNDP 's commitment to helping facilitate China 's progress towards a low carbon model .

  7. Air(初三适用)国际航空运输及管理规则&兼述我国民用航空法

    International Air Transportation and Its Management Regulations & Overview of the China Civil Aviation Law As Well

  8. 关于世界男子400m速度和速度布局的研究&兼析我国男子400m成绩滞后因素

    Study on speed of excellent 400m men athletes in the world ── Analysis on factors of falling behind for Chinese Men 's 400m

  9. 材料科学与工程中的激光&兼议我国激光加工产业化

    Laser in Materials Science and Engineering and Its Industrialization in China

  10. 挤出效应理论的简单回顾&兼议我国是否存在挤出效应

    A Brief Review of the Theories of Crowding - out Effect

  11. 谈弧焊机的空载电流与节能&兼讨论我国弧焊机标准中空载电流的规定

    Energy Saving and Open Circuit Current in Arc Welding Machine

  12. 药品出口的混乱局面必须结束&兼议我国外贸体制改革

    The chaotic situation with China medicines export must come to an end

  13. 试析专利权穷竭原则及其相关问题&兼析我国《专利法》的完善

    An Analysis of the Exhaustion Principle of Patent and its Relevant Problems

  14. 论商标权与在先权利的冲突&兼议我国商标法律制度的完善

    On Conflicts between the Trademark Rights and the Prior Rights

  15. 总裁助理兼驻联合国特别代表

    Assistant to the Managing Director and Special Representative to the United Nations

  16. 存差、金融控制与铸币税&兼对我国M2/GDP过高之谜的再解释

    Deposit - and - Loan Difference , Financial Government Control , and Seigniorage

  17. 谈世界珠宝首饰市场&兼议我国珠宝首饰业的发展

    Discussing about world markets and domestic developments of jewellery

  18. 现代行政诉讼制度发展的特点&兼与我国相关制度比较

    The Developmental Characters of the Contemporary Administrative Procedure System

  19. 违约责任中损害赔偿限制规则之新探&兼从我国台湾地区民法考

    Probes into Limiting Damage Compensation in Breach Liability

  20. 动物法律地位之探讨&兼析我国民事立法对动物的应有定位

    A Research on the Legal Status of Animals

  21. 论司法鉴定结论在诉讼中的效力&兼对我国现行司法鉴定体制的检讨

    On Effectiveness of Expert 's Identification in Lawsuits

  22. 《金融服务外包文件》之评析&兼议我国金融外包监管立法的建设

    Comments on outsourcing in financial services : Legislation on supervision of outsourcing in financial services

  23. 我国公司资本结构研究&兼对我国公司债券市场的分析

    Study on Corporate Capital Structure of China

  24. 行为四分法之初探&兼反思我国犯罪构成模式

    Quarter Division of Acts Reflection of the Mode of the Constitution of Crime in China

  25. 企业法律形态与企业会计&兼议我国企业会计核算制度体系

    LAW-form of Enterprises & Enterprise Accounting

  26. 简论对物诉讼&兼与我国海事诉前保全制度相比较

    Ef Discussion on Action in Rem-Comparing wi the Scheme of Preservation before Action of Maritime Litigation

  27. 人本理念:美国私立高校学生事务管理的显著特征&兼与我国现阶段民办高校学生管理之比较

    Concept of humanity : the distinguished characteristics of students ' affairs administration in American private universities

  28. 收入不平等与经济增长的关系&兼议我国个人收入差距扩大对经济增长的影响

    Individual income gap and the government regulation The Relationship between Personal Income Inequality and Economic Growth

  29. 浅议我国动产抵押制度的完善&兼议我国担保法的修改

    Improvement of Chinese Movables Mortgage System

  30. 信息时代的全球制造策略&兼议我国制造业的发展

    Global Manufacturing Strategy in Information Age ── Concurrently to Give Some Proposals to Manufacturing Industry of China