
  • 网络Compatible software
  1. 在Bazaar网站上可以找到完整的介绍和兼容软件目录。

    For a complete introduction and a large catalog of compatible software , see the Bazaar website .

  2. 它是任何RAS(可靠性、可用性和可服务性)兼容软件的重要组件。

    It is a vital component of any RAS - ( Reliability , Availability and Serviceability ) complaint software .

  3. 据知情人士透露,一些手机运营商和Android兼容软件的开发商目前无法赶上进度。

    And some cellular carriers and makers of programs that work with Android are struggling to meet that schedule , people familiar with the situation say .

  4. 一些人士认为,谷歌完成自身软件后又不断作出修正,给第三方开发兼容软件带来了困难。

    Some say it is difficult to develop programs while Google is making changes as it finishes its own software .

  5. 基于COM的电磁兼容测试软件构架的设计与应用

    Design and Application of EMC Test Software Architecture Based on COM

  6. 因此,新策略禁止在Blackberry设备上使用任何不兼容的软件。

    As a result , a new corporate policy forbids any non-corporate software on the Blackberry devices .

  7. 使用串行连接的另一个好处是:可使用两个不兼容的软件。一个叫SLIP,另一个叫PPP。

    One extra benefit of using a serial connection is that two incompatible software schemes are used . One is called SLIP and the other is PPP .

  8. 创建和分发与Debian兼容的软件包并不需要您是一名正式的Debian开发人员。

    You don 't need to be an official Debian Developer to create and distribute Debian-compatible packages .

  9. 不过我所读到的每篇文章都说,即使是安装了与Windows兼容的软件,Quicken也无法在Mac电脑上运行,至少是不太可靠,而我严重依赖Quicken。

    Yet every article I read says that Quicken , which I depend upon heavily , will not run -- at least reliably -- on a Mac , even with the Windows-compatible software .

  10. 而盖茨却想开发出苹果电脑和普通个人电脑都兼容的软件

    Gates wanted to produce software for both Apple and the PC.

  11. 车载通信系统电磁兼容分析软件设计及网格划分技术研究

    Vehicle Communication System EMC Analysis Software Design and Mesh Technology Research

  12. 该系统查找新的软件安装,并卸载任何不兼容的软件。

    This system detects new software installations and uninstalls any non-corporate software .

  13. 雅虎许多服务都是在不兼容的软件下运行,这导致效率非常低下。

    Many Yahoo services run on incompatible software , which is highly inefficient .

  14. 一些不兼容的软件是安装在电脑上。

    Some incompatible software is installed on your computer .

  15. 航天继电器及组合模块电磁兼容分析软件系统的开发

    Development of EMC Analyzing Software System for Spaceflight Relay

  16. 互连电缆电磁兼容仿真软件的开发

    Development of EMC Emulation Programme for Interconnecting Cables

  17. 一个原因是,积极参与的办公室需要运行兼容的软件。

    One reason is that actively participating offices need to be running compatible software .

  18. 机载电子设备电磁兼容检测软件设计飞机自卫电子对抗设备

    The Design of the Assistant Program of EMC Detecting System for the Airborne Electronic Devices

  19. 舰船电子设备建模的质量直接影响到电磁兼容仿真软件的性能。

    The quality of the modeling of electronic equipments has a direct impact onthe performance of electromagnetic compatibility simulation software .

  20. 由于大量互不兼容的软件存在,就造成了软件之间是无法直接进行数据交换。

    One , because of the influx of non-compatible software exists , it causes the software is not directly exchange data .

  21. 选择打印机的制造商和型号。如果打印机没有列出,请参阅打印机文档,找到一个兼容打印机软件。

    Select the manufacturer and model of your printer . If your printer is not listed , consult your printer documentation for compatible printer software .

  22. 微软把这款软件地定位为对普通版本的补充,并兼容现有软件,将这个特性作为卖点推向客户。

    Microsoft is positioning the software as a complement to the regular version of Office and focusing on compatibility with its existing software as a key selling point .

  23. 或许你在家里有一台台式电脑,一些工作需要专门的兼容应用软件来完成,这些或许要运行微软的或者其它的操作系统。

    Maybe you have a desktop computer at home for those few tasks that need dedicated native applications , and maybe that runs Windows or maybe that runs OS X.

  24. 同时还要考虑与其它平台的兼容性问题,兼容互通软件的开发又会使移动设备的硬件成本提高,性能降低。

    Its compatibility with other platforms must be taken into consideration , and the development of compatible application will increase the hardware cost of mobile devices and lower its performance .

  25. 易于使用的Windows兼容的接口软件,使用户能够建立的议案,旨在满足特定的形成需要力量配置文件。

    Easy to use Windows compatible interface software enables users to build motion and force profiles designed to fit specific forming needs .

  26. 在更改任何dep设置前,请检查该程序的dep兼容版本或软件发行者的更新。

    Check for a dep-compatible version of the program or an update from the software publisher before you change any dep settings .

  27. 电磁兼容自动测试软件的工程化设计

    Method of project management on auto test system software of EMC

  28. 电磁兼容自动测试软件开发平台及其应用

    Automatic Test Software Development Platform and Application for Electromagnetic Compatibility

  29. 我们应该做的难道是迫使苹果兼容我们的软件吗?

    ' 'What were we going to do , force ( Apple ) to include the software ?

  30. 而电磁兼容综合测试软件集成平台作为电磁兼容综合测试系统的软件总体也显得尤为重要。

    The software integration platform is the software population of the Integrate Test System , so it is also very important .