
  • 网络social welfare;total social welfare
  1. 福利经济学理论分析表明,政府支持开展政策性农业保险,可以大大增加社会总福利。

    According to the Welfare Economics Theory , the government can greatly increase the total social welfare if it supports the policy-based agricultural insurance .

  2. 同样,媒介产业市场准入规制也没有达到规制的预期目的,反而阻碍了竞争,降低了社会总福利水平。

    Likewise , the market access regulations also did not reach the expected purposes , but hindered the media market competition , lowered the total social welfare level .

  3. 结论表明预售公告制度下存在稳健的市场均衡,社会总福利得到提高;

    We prove that there exists robust market equilibrium and social welfare gets improved .

  4. 如何确认和落实个人责任,最终应是以实现社会总福利的最大化为目标。

    It is important to confirm and carry out the individual responsibility for realizing the goal of the aged insurance .

  5. 利用经济博弈论知识,对几个竞争与合作模型的社会总福利进行了计算。

    Based on the economic game theory , this paper calculated the social total benefit of several competitive and cooperative models .

  6. 本文利用经济博弈理论,从社会总福利出发,对寡占厂商关于产量决策的几个模型进行了比较,并且得出了重要的结论;

    Based on the economic game theory , this paper compares a few models with output decision made by oligopoly firms .

  7. 把每个阶层的收入增长化为简单权数,我们可以估算出整个社会总福利的增长。

    We can approximate the growth in total welfare of society as the simple weighted sum of the growth of income in each class .

  8. 另外,文章发现进口配额比进口关税更能改善平行进口输入国的社会总福利。

    In addition , the paper finds that the aggregate social welfare of the parallel import country is better improved under quota than under tariff .

  9. 若中介人能在市场中利用自己的信誉和专业能力发出具有公信力的市场信号,对不同质量的技术进行有效的市场分离,市场交易效率将会提高,社会总福利增加;

    If the technological intermediary gives off these signals by his own reputations and professional power , the efficiency and the welfare will increase as a whole ;

  10. 之前的主流经济学家倾向于在代表性个人分析框架中,通过加总个人的效用函数得到社会总福利函数,然后对不同的收入分配结构进行评价。

    The earlier economists tended to do the analysis in the framework of representative person , by adding the total individual utility functions to get the social welfare function .

  11. 然后从福利经济学的角度切入,以社会总福利为出发点,深入研究了电信资费模式不断向前发展更替的背后地动因,指出了未来电信资费模式的发展方向。

    Then from the aspect of the welfare economy , the research found the deep reason of the development of the telecom price mode and indicated the development direction .

  12. 总体上看,本文贡献主要在于以下三个方面:1.建立了电信资费规制方式的评价标准:社会总福利;

    As a whole , the contribution of this paper mainly on the following three points : 1 . erecting the evaluating standard of the telecommunication modes : the social welfare ;

  13. 员工压力对生理、心理和行为产生了极大的影响,压力处理不当不仅对个体有一定伤害,更是对组织绩效、企业发展和社会总福利产生负面影响。

    The mishandling of stress would not only have strong impact on the individual workers , but also have a negative effect on efficiency of the enterprises and on social welfare .

  14. 一般情况下,可以用社会总福利状态来考察资源的利用效率。社会总资源可以分成资本以及非资本社会资源。

    Generally , we can evaluate the efficiency by the state of social welfare . All the resources in a society can be regarded as being of two types : capital and non-capital resources .

  15. 通过以上两方面的制度安排,建立起反映自然资源和环境资源稀缺程度的实现社会总福利最大化的自然资源价格形成机制。

    Through above two institutional arrangement , the market mechanism of prices of natural resources that reflect the social welfare maximization and the degree of scarcity of natural resources and environmental resources was established .

  16. 通过模型分析发现,与我们的常识相反的是:这种进口保护反而有助于提高两个国家的消费者剩余和社会总福利。

    Through analysis of the model , we discover that , contrary to our common sense , this kind of import protection is helpful to increase the consumer surplus and aggregate social welfare in both countries .

  17. 研究表明,纵向一体化之后,上游企业的R&D投资、下游企业的产品产量、行业利润、消费者剩余和社会总福利均增加。

    It is shown that , after the vertical integration , the upstream R & D expenditure , the downstream output , the industry profit , the consumer 's surplus and the social welfare are all increased .

  18. 分析结果表明,社会总福利最大时并不能保证两区域的福利都增进,这就需要引入生态补偿,对福利受损的一方进行补偿,实现社会福利的最大化。

    The analysis results show that the maximum of the total social welfare and the welfare of the two systems cannot guarantee promotion , which requires the introduction of ecological compensation ; welfare damaged party compensation to achieve the maximization of social welfare .

  19. 补贴规制一方面对媒介消费者、媒介生产者和社会总福利产生一定的正面效应,使他们的福利水平实现了一定程度的提高,但另一方面会产生巨大的规制成本,导致一定的负面影响。

    The subsidies regulations have two sides . On one hand , they have certain positive effects to the media consumers , media producers and the total social welfare , and bring many benefits . On the other hand they also caused some negative influence .

  20. 究其原因是,进口配额能够诱导生产厂商进行降低成本的研究与开发活动,这既能够提高厂商的利润,又能够降低商品的市场价格,从而提高消费者剩余和社会总福利。

    It 's mainly because import quota can induce manufacturer to make cost-reducing research and development , which can not only increase the profits of the manufacturer , but also reduce the market prices of the products so as to improve consumer surplus and aggregate social welfare .

  21. 进一步运用福利经济学原理,分析了铁路货运集中化前后消费者剩余、生产者剩余和社会总剩余的变化,得出铁路货运集中化会使社会总福利增加。

    By the principles of economics , the change of consumer surplus , producer surplus and social surplus with railway freight transport integration was discussed , it is indicated that railway freight transport integration can make the social welfare increase .

  22. 本文通过将价格歧视与单一定价对竞争和社会福利的影响相比较发现,价格歧视在某些情况下有可能促进企业竞争,增加社会总福利,甚至是消费者福利。

    On the other hand , when compared to uniform pricing , price discrimination may enhance competition and increase social welfare , even consumer welfare .

  23. 这种新的经济形态符合产业结构合理化、经济发展有序化、以及社会发展持续化的要求,能够改变我国依靠投资拉动经济发展的模式,并且能够促进社会总福利的提升。

    This new pattern satisfies the needs of industrial structure rationalizing , economy development ordering and social development persistence , which is able to change the economic development model counted on the investment and improve the social welfare .