
  • 网络Social vehicles;Traffic
  1. 利用主动管理模式调控社会车辆探讨

    A Study of Making Use of the Active Management Pattern Control Social Vehicle

  2. 常规公交和社会车辆混行将在我国城市中长期存在,因此分析常规公交停靠对交通流的影响很有必要。

    Therefore , it is very necessary to analyze the influence of the normal public transit bus stopping on the traffic flow .

  3. 这种现象不仅影响公交车辆自身及社会车辆的运行,同时对公交站台的服务水平提高造成巨大压力。

    This is not only exerting influence on the travel of transit and social vehicles , but also causing high pressure on the server quality improvement of bus stations .

  4. 随着我国经济和道路交通的飞速发展,社会车辆保有量迅速增长,由此带来的停车场管理问题越来越受到人们的重视。

    The number of vehicle has a rapid growth with the development of economy and road traffic in our country . The questions of parking lot have drawn more attention .

  5. 研究结果表明,实施公交信号优先策略能有效降低公交车辆的排放,但是会导致社会车辆的排放有所增加,对于路网整体的影响视具体交通情况而定。

    The results show that bus emissions can be reduced effectively while car emissions increases and the influence on total emissions depends on specific traffic conditions after the implementation of transit signal priority .

  6. 为评价公交专用道绿波信号设置对社会车辆及乘客的总延误影响,引用了人总延误评价方法。

    To evaluate the influence of total delay of special bus lanes with the green-wave signals for the community vehicles and passengers the average people delay is quoted in this paper as an evaluation .

  7. 结果表明:预信号控制有助于减少公交车辆的延误,却增加了社会车辆的延误,而人均延误有所减少,但在交叉口处于非饱和状态时人均减少延误效果不甚明显。

    The results show that this pre-signal means reduces the delay of buses , but raises the delay of general vehicles , and the reduced delay effect of average isn 't very notable in a non-saturation intersection .

  8. 通过对公交信息化应用的研究,可以将研究成功扩展到长途货运、长途客运、火车、路面巡警、应急指挥车,道路拯救、交通事故处理等各种社会车辆的安全防范、高效调度。

    Through the research on the application of informatization bus , can will research has successfully expanded to long-distance freight , long-distance passenger , train , road patrol , emergency command vehicle , road traffic accident treatment deliverance , various social vehicle safety and efficient operation .

  9. 因为现代社会心车辆为基础,交通拥挤消除不了。

    Because modern society lives on the basis of vehicles , traffic jams are difficult to eliminate .

  10. 公共交通道路,是指供不特定的人和社会机动车辆或者仅供社会车辆通行的道路。

    Public transportation roads refer to roads which are offered to non-special people and social motor vehicles or social motor vehicles only .

  11. VRPTW问题是对现实社会物流配送中车辆调度行驶问题的抽象,是NP-Hard问题,求解最优方案十分困难。

    Logistics distribution vehicle routing problem with time windows belongs to a typical NP-Hard problem and is difficult to solve the optimal plan .

  12. 随着社会的发展,车辆智能系统在不断升级。

    With the rapid development of society , the vehicle intelligent system is updating constantly .

  13. 随着生产力的提高,经济社会的进步,车辆已经成为日益普及的交通工具。

    As the productivity is improving and the society of economics is advancing , vehicles have increasingly become the tool of transportation .

  14. 它能缓解交通拥挤的社会问题,减少车辆的能耗,减轻环境的污染,缩短人们的出行时间。

    It can alleviate the congestion , reduce the energy consumption , and decrease the air pollution from vehicles and save the travel time of people .

  15. 随着社会的进步,车辆运行速度不断加快,车流密度日益增加,车辆载重也逐渐增大。

    With the advancement of society , the vehicle speed is accelerating , the traffic density is intensifying , and the vehicle load is also gradually increasing .

  16. 为了满足现代社会对乘用车辆噪声和振动的更高要求,人们想了很多的办法来使发动机运行更平稳,也使得车辆的行驶更舒适。

    In order to achieve the more and more strict requirement in acoustics and vibration , people thinks a lot of ways to make engine and vehicle runs smoothly and quiet .