
  • 网络Socio economic information;Socioeconomic Information
  1. 城市的三维表达一一三维城市景观(3DCityScene.)不仅其有传统虚拟现实的高度真实感,而且具有3DGIS数据库管理与分析应用等功能并能与其他社会经济信息互联。

    When 2D GIS can not meet all the demands from various fields , 3D GIS emerges as the times require . Three Dimension city scene not only has the reality feeling , but also has function of 3D GIS database management and analysis application .

  2. 应用当今先进的地理信息系统技术、遥感技术、GPS技术和网络通讯技术,建立了以防汛业务为主体,以地理空间数据为基础,集土地资源、人口和社会经济信息于一体的防汛指挥系统。

    Dongping lake flood preventing and management system here applied nowadays advanced geographic information system , RS , GPS and the network communication technique . It established a flood preventing and management system with geography space data , land resources , population and social economic information .

  3. 收入、学历、捐款经历、环境态度等社会经济信息变量对支付意愿具有显著的影响水平,符合经济学理论,CVM的可靠性得到较好的验证。

    Socio-economic variables of the respondents such as income , education degree , donation experience and environmental attitude significantly influence the values of the WTP of the respondents and this is consistent with the economic theory and verifies the reliability of the CVM .

  4. 通过利用SNA统计资料,扩展会计分析空间,用SNA统计与会计信息相结合的方法,为企业提供开放式的会计信息服务,构筑我国社会经济信息的主体。

    This paper discusses how to use statistic materials to enlarge accounting analysis scope and serve for business accounting information , and puts forward a proposal by means of combining both SNA statistics and accounting information which consist of all the socio economic information .

  5. 长江三角洲气候与社会经济信息管理系统

    A management system of climate and social economic information in the Yangtze Delta

  6. 社会经济信息分为:农村经济信息、农资行情信息、自然灾害信息等;

    The social economic information includes country economic information , agricultural material market information and natural calamity information .

  7. 它及时全面地传播社会经济信息,利用自身的社会角色和功能极大地促进着社会的良好运行,为社会公众服务。

    It comprehensively and timely transmits the information of social economic , Using of its social role and functions significantly promote the society work in a good way , severing the public .

  8. 在地理空间信息框架下集成多源统计信息将为社会经济信息的分析利用以及政府辅助决策开辟新途径。

    With the integration of multiple sources statistical information based on geo-spatial data , it will make a new way for the analysis of social-economic information and the support of decision-making of government .

  9. 统计部门是政府收集社会经济信息的主要机构,统计信息资源是各级党政领导进行宏观管理和科学决策的重要依据。

    The statistical department is the principal organ that the government collecting social and economic information , and statistical information resources are an important basis for the party and government leaders at all levels to do macro-management and scientific decision-making .

  10. 随着社会经济和信息技术的不断发展,信息化以及信息技术已不仅仅作为商业银行提高效率的方法,以信息技术为支撑的信息化已日渐成为商业银行生存和发展的基础。

    Information systematization and information technology become method of commercial bank improving efficiency , and information systematization becomes foundation of Commercial bank .

  11. 随着我国信息化进程的深入和电子政务的建设,大量的社会和经济信息已经电子化。

    As the information progress and e-government construction of China , a large number of social and economic information has been electronic .

  12. 物流服务创新受到诸多因素的驱动,包括企业竞争环境、物流环境和顾客服务需求以及商业模式的变化、社会经济与信息技术、网络技术的快速发展以及物流服务商绩效改进的需要等。

    It is driven by some factors such as changes of environment , customer requirement , business model and information technology , and so on .

  13. 提出了基于城市、城郊生态过渡区及其周围自然生态支持系统为统一体的城市生态功能分区思想,并建立了长沙市生态-社会-经济信息系统数据库。

    A delineation method based on the idea of regarding urban-suburban-supporting area as a system was presented in this paper , with an ecological-social-economic database created .

  14. 研究的技术路线为:①社会经济统计信息系统的分析;②系统的设计;③时空数据库设计;④系统的实现。

    The research technical line is : a. Analysis for Social-economic statistical information system ; b. System design ; c. Spatio-temporal database design ; d. System development .

  15. 该系统通过对个体纳税户生产经营信息、社会经济管理信息的采集和分析,由计算机自动生成应纳税额;

    The software gathers or analyses the information of production and management of individual tax and the information of economy management . Decided tax by computer automation .

  16. 社会经济、信息技术的全球化,在不断地充斥我们的物质世界和丰富我们的精神生活的同时,使得地域文化逐渐衰败甚至消亡。

    Along with the social economy , information technology globalization , filled with our physical world constantly and meet our spiritual life , at the same time , it brings huge negative effect .

  17. 第五章系统实现:介绍社会经济统计信息系统的基本功能、数据查询功能、数据更新和管理功能及数据分析功能模块的实现。

    The fifth part describes realization of the system : Introduces the social economy statistics basic function , the system inquiry function , the system data updating and the management function and system analysis function four functional module realization .

  18. 通过空间叠加分析,得到基础单元图斑,采用属性表操作的方法获取基础单元图斑的专题属性信息,结合社会经济属性信息,建立属性数据库;

    Based the spatial database , by the means of attribute table manipulation and take the map plot as basic unit to get the subject attributes of basic information , combined with social economy attribute information , built the attribute database ;

  19. 随着社会经济与信息技术的不断发展,人们对支付系统的运行效率和服务质量要求越来越高,这就促使支付系统从手工操作转向电子化、网络化。

    With the development of society economy and information technologies , the requirement of the efficiency and quality of service of payment system is more and more higher , which make it transform from by manual operations to by electronic and networks .

  20. 正如困境可能有地理、人口、和/或社会经济方面获得信息基础设施所产生的机会不平等,数字鸿沟也涉及经济上的不平等,如就业、信息和/或安全(Yuguchi,2008)。

    As the dilemma may have geographic , demographic , and / or socio economic dimensions , arising from unequal access to information infrastructures , digital divide also concerns economic inequality , such as in employment , information and / or security ( Yuguchi , 2008 ) .

  21. 社会经济统计地理信息系统元数据库的设计及应用

    Designs for the metadata database in economic and social statistical GIS

  22. 黑龙江省社会经济发展与信息产业建设

    Development of Social Economy and Construction of Information Industry in Heilongjiang Province

  23. 随着社会经济、计算机信息技术和存储技术的不断发展,在日常生活和科学研究领域中,逐渐积累了大量的有重要参考价值的数据。

    With the development of social economy , computer and information technology and the storage technology , a large amount of important data are gradually stored .

  24. 近期的经济危机表明,要制定合理的危机应对方案,需要提高家庭社会经济状况方面信息处理的频率和速度。

    The recent economic crisis underscored the need for more frequent and rapidly processed information on socio-economic conditions of households in order to design appropriate crisis response programs .

  25. 研究、开发和建设数字武汉是武汉市社会经济发展到信息时代的需要。

    In order to accelerate the social and economic development of Wuhan city , it is necessary to study , develop and construct digital Wuhan in the information era .

  26. 在社会知识经济、信息管理高速发展的新时期,地质资料档案管理工作的内容与模式也发生了巨大的转变。

    In times of economy of information society knowledge and rapid development of information management , the content and mode of the management of geologic document information have shifted dramatically .

  27. 传统会计信息生产模式将会计系统建立于微观会计主体内部,试图通过内部个体会计系统的对外职能满足社会经济系统的信息需求。

    Traditional pattern of producing accounting information established the accounting system into individual accounting entity , trying to meet the information need of social economic system through external function of internal individual accounting system .

  28. 研究表明公众对转基因食品的认识受到个人特征、社会经济特征、信息、科普、风险意识、环保意识、政府信任、主观评价等在内的诸多因素的影响。

    The study also shows that public cognition of genetically modified foods is affected by personal characteristics , socio-economic characteristics , information , popularization of science , risk awareness , environmental awareness , trust in government , subjective evaluation and many other factors .

  29. 最后,论文以南京市社会经济与人口地理信息系统为例,详细说明了基于GIS的分析评价模型在统计分析中的应用。

    In conclusion , the thesis specifies applications of GIS analysis and evaluation models in statistical analysis by taking Nanjing urban social economical and population GIS as an example .

  30. 城市地图是全面反映城市发展和城市社会经济现象的综合信息载体,是城市基础空间数据库和城市GIS的重要组成部分。

    Urban maps is not only the integrated information container that reflects city development , social and economical phenomenon , but also an important component of spatial urban database and urban Geographical Information System .