
  1. 打破垄断、引入竞争是当今电力市场改革的主基调,目的是要建立一个最大限度自由竞争的电力市场,以达到社会资源的最优配置。

    The world-wide introduction of competition among power generators to break monopoly aims at developing power markets and achieving efficient utilization of social resources .

  2. 经过充分博弈后,会计制度会达成纳什均衡,并且一旦出现新的诱因,又会引发新的寻租博弈活动,如此反复循环,向会计制度的理想状态&帕累托均衡逼近,实现社会资源的最优配置。

    After an abundant game , accounting systems will reach Nash equilibrium and recur because of the new inducement , reaching the ideal of accounting system-Pareto equilibrium to realize the optimal disposition of social resources .

  3. 建设工程只有建立工程社会保障体系,才能实行合理最低标价中标,实现社会资源最优配置。

    The lowest reasonable bidding as successful bidding and allocation of social resources in the best way can be implemented in engineering construction only by building up a social security system for engineering .