
  • 网络social graph;sociogram
  1. Hadoop可以运行分析并找到在FlockBD中相似的社交图数据集合。

    Hadoop can run analytics and hit FlockDB in parallel to assemble social graph aggregates .

  2. Twitter使用它的分析社交图,它的速度非常快。

    The company uses it for social graph analysis . It 's still MySQL underneath , but it 's very fast .

  3. 对于希望更多了解Twitter如何分析社交图的资料请点这里

    Weil cites this SlideShare as a resource for those wanting to know more about how Twitter analyzes social graphs

  4. twitter以及另一家相似的服务提供商friendfeed提供了极具竞争力的社交图。

    Twitter and another similar service , FriendFeed , offer competing social graphs .

  5. 她讨论了Amazon与Facebook(或任何其他社交图信息的储存仓)的集成,这样就能突出来自她朋友的书评。

    She talked about Amazon integrating with Facebook ( or any other repository of social graph info ) such that they could highlight book reviews from her friends .

  6. 维奥塔以以下可定制因素为基础:准备外出的时间、日期、偏好的地理范围、当前的活动、以及你在Facebook上标记为喜欢的内容、还有最重要的社交图。

    Weotta bases its on customizable factors like time , date , preferred geographic radius , current events , as well as Facebook likes and your all-important social graph .

  7. 通过此举,不仅仅是Yahoo门户的新闻、电子邮件和财务信息可以在网站显示,而且用户的socialgraph(社交图)和其朋友的最新状态也可以上传至网站。

    The goal was to truly make Yahoo your portal to the web by not only delivering news , email , and finances , but also your social graph and the status updates of your friends .

  8. 就接下来的几年,Charlene提出将会开发一种统一的社交图。

    Over the next few years , Charlene pointed out that a unified social graph will develop .

  9. 社交图是和公开资源来自于对大众公开的来源

    and the social graph that connects them through publicly available sources .

  10. 然后又回头追踪查看那个社交图和内容之间的关系

    and then trace back to see the relationship between that social graph and content ,

  11. 然后我们跟踪这些评论的去向,然后观察整个活跃的社交图

    and then we follow where that comment goes , and then look at the entire social graph that becomes activated

  12. 例如FollowFinder能分析你的社交网络图,从而帮你在Twitter上找到新的可关注的用户。

    Follow finder analyzes your social graph to find new people to follow on twitter .

  13. 例如,mashup可以对歌曲或诗词进行分析,从而将相关照片拼接在一起,或者基于相同的照片元数据(标题、时间戳或其他元数据)显示社交网络图。

    For example , a mashup might analyze song or poetry lyrics and create a mosaic or collage of relevant photos , or display social networking graphs based upon common photo metadata ( subject , timestamp , and other metadata . ) .

  14. 亥算法主要的图论依据在于社交网络结构图中存在大量的重叠星状子图。

    Major figure on the basis of the algorithm is the social network structure where are a lot of overlap star sub graphs .

  15. 最近一项研究发现,约2/3的人在社交媒体上Po图到自己的帐户上让自己的生活看起来更多元化。

    A recent survey has found around two-thirds of people on social media post images to their profiles to make their lives seem more adventurous .