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  1. 美国科技博客“搜索引擎天地”(SearchEngineLand)的丹尼•萨利文对谷歌采取的推广措施逐一进行了分析。

    Danny Sullivan at search engine land counts the ways .

  2. 从2000年以来,谷歌大范围推广它的浏览器工具栏,从而使其搜索引擎成为IE和火狐浏览器的默认设置。

    Since 2000 , Google had distributed a browser toolbar that made its search engine the default on IE and Firefox .

  3. 谷歌是进行推广的一个主要起点。

    Google is a great source of promotion .

  4. 至于谷歌是不是应该推广完全自动驾驶的汽车,他真是大错特错。

    But on the question of whether Google should be promoting completely autonomous cars , he couldn 't be more wrong .