
fù pó
  • rich woman
  1. 她还不太适应已经是一个富婆的事实。

    She had not yet become accustomed to the fact that she was a rich woman .

  2. 那个富婆因为架子大,已经失去了很多朋友。

    The rich woman has lost many friends because of her airs and graces .

  3. 她是个亿万富婆。

    She 's a millionaire several times over .

  4. 她本可以成为百万富婆的。

    She could have ended up a millionairess .

  5. 寻人:对年轻帅小伙感兴趣的富婆。

    Wanted : rich older women interested in hot younger guys .

  6. 有些富婆在钻戒和貂皮外套上挥霍金钱。

    Some rich women splurge on diamond rings and mink coats .

  7. 你要娶到富婆你会很高兴的。

    You 'll be happy when you married with rich girl .

  8. 你得摆平全纽约的老富婆。

    You had to shtupp every little old lady in new york .

  9. 你是个百万富婆却穿双20美元的鞋子。

    And you are a millionaire in $ 20 shoes .

  10. 第八条,不可忘记富婆。

    Eighth , You shall not forget wealthy ladies .

  11. 你那帮富婆朋友昨晚都上哪儿去了?

    Where were all your rich friends last night ?

  12. 那位富婆是艺术的赞助者。

    That rich lady is a friend of arts .

  13. 他想跟一个百万富婆结婚,过上奢华的生活。

    He wants to marry a millionairess and live in the lap of luxury .

  14. 丰富珊卓是一位富婆。

    Sandra is a woman of great wealth .

  15. 他们不仅有光鲜亮丽的外表,而且都是富翁和富婆。

    Not only the singers are good-looking , but also they are millionaires and millionairesses .

  16. 这位女企业家是个富婆。

    This female entrepreneur is rich .

  17. 工人便到那位富婆家,表示愿意为她工作。

    The man went to the rich woman 's house and offered to work for her .

  18. 普里茨克是位亿万富婆,她深广的人脉在2008年帮助为奥巴马筹集了7.5亿美元。

    Ms Pritzker is a billionaire whose immense Rolodex helped raise $ 750m for Mr Obama in 2008 .

  19. 这位集记者、亿万富婆、网络工作者、前政客、作家多种角色于一身的全能名流把自己累垮了。

    The journalist , multimillionaire , networker , ex-politician , author and all-round celebrity had got herself overtired .

  20. 那位富婆是艺术的支持者,她出钱在镇上举办音乐会。

    That rich lady is a friend of the arts ; she provides money for concerts in the town .

  21. 随着她的脱口秀走向全国,奥普拉在32岁年纪轻轻的时候就成为了百万富翁,今天,她已经是十亿级的富婆了。

    When her show went national , Oprah became a millionaire at 32 , and today she is a billionaire .

  22. 你走过一家家整洁的小商店;孩子们独自在沙滩上玩耍,没有大人陪伴;全身毛皮制品的亿万富婆在公园里喂鸟。

    You pass dinky little shops , children playing unaccompanied on the beach , and fur-clad Madame Billionaires feeding birds in parks .

  23. 一个白人富婆收养了他,还给他所有我们给不起的东西,基本上就是一切事物

    He was adopted by a rich white lady who could give him everything we couldn 't afford to . Which is everything .

  24. 有关龚如心的遗产问题,有专栏作家说,这位勤奋的亿万富婆从不把亡夫遗下的财富视为当然。说得更确切些,她使他遗下的财富增长。

    The hard-working billionaire never took for granted the wealth left behind by her husband & rather , she grew the fortune he left .

  25. 在苏格拉底居住的城市,一位富婆正在出售一辆外表缀满了黄金和宝石的马车。

    In the city that Socrastes was living in , a rich woman was selling a carriage with much gold and many gemstones on it .

  26. 这位58岁的无业男子自称是一位不得了的谈话家,他说想找一位富婆来照顾他。

    The unemployed 58-year-old - who admits he is a ' great conversationalist ' - says he wants a wealthy lady to take care of him .

  27. 该调查称,米德尔顿小姐、超级富婆塔玛拉?埃克尔斯通和女演员米拉?库尼丝都处于正散发着性感魅力的奇妙年龄。

    Miss Middleton , millionairess Tamara Ecclestone and actress Mila Kunis are all at the magic age for embracing their sex appeal , according to the research 。

  28. 该调查称,米德尔顿小姐、超级富婆塔玛拉埃克尔斯通和女演员米拉库尼丝都处于正散发着性感魅力的奇妙年龄。

    Miss Middleton , millionairess Tamara Ecclestone and actress Mila Kunis are all at the magic age for embracing their sex appeal , according to the research .

  29. 事实上演完《哈利•波特》后,艾玛已经是个“小富婆”了,据说即使她以后不工作也可以够花一辈子了。

    The fact is after casting Harry Potter , she has already gained lot and some people even said that the pay would cover her whole life .

  30. 希尔顿酒店集团继承人富婆派瑞丝·希尔顿的名字对于许多夜总会和俱乐部来说,无疑具有著巨大的吸引力。

    Paris Hilton knows something about nightclubs , so it makes sense the hotel heiress is the inspiration for a handful of clubs that will bear her name .