
  • 网络Living room design
  1. 居室设计主要是客厅设计和卧室设计这2大部分。

    Interior design consists of two parts , drawing room design and bedroom design .

  2. LED光源可以看作是客厅灯具设计内容上新型的元素,也将成为灯具设计中最活跃,最具有创作动力,最能激发灯具设计者设计构思的因素。

    LED light source can be regarded as the living room lighting design content model elements , also will become the most active lamp design , which has the most creative power , most can stimulate the design of lighting designers .

  3. 客厅装饰设计中的若干要点

    Several Key points for Decoration Design of a Drawing Room

  4. 跃层式住宅客厅亮度设计法研究

    Study on the luminance design method for the living room of springing house

  5. 浅谈客厅家具设计

    On furniture design in drawing room

  6. 生活是设计的源泉,新农村客厅家具设计必然与农民的生活方式存在关联性。

    Because of lifestyle is the source of the design , the new rural living room furniture design must be associated with the lifestyle of peasant .

  7. 通过理论研究和设计实践,我们确定生活方式与新农村客厅家具设计的关联性,农村家具的设计工作必须从农民生活出发才能真正为民所用。

    By theoretical research and design practice , we find that the new rural living room furniture design is connected with lifestyle , and the design for the peasant must be form the life of peasant .

  8. LED光源具有体积较小,重量较轻,使用电压低等一系列的优势,这些优势使客厅灯具的设计有了新的想象和空间。

    LED light source has the advantages of small volume , light weight , low voltage using a series of advantages , these advantages make the design of the living room lamps have a new imagination and space .

  9. 笔者最后利用论文中的理论结果进行了新农村客厅家具的设计实践,以真实产品投放市场后的反馈情况来检验论文的理论成果。

    At last , the author uses the theories in this article to make practice of new rural living room furniture design , and make it be tested by using the information from the marketing .

  10. 紧接着论文从客厅空间格局、客厅家用电器和客厅文化三个生活方面对浙江新农村客厅家具设计进行具体分析。

    Then , the paper specifically analyzes new rural living room furniture design for Zhejiang from three aspects of life : space of living room , home appliances and culture of living room .