
  1. 那一对已经在客厅沙发上热烈拥吻一个多小时了。

    The couple made out on the living room sofa for over one hour .

  2. 猫和少年人都可以躺在客厅沙发上一动不动几个小时,几乎都不用呼吸。

    Cats and teenagers can lie on the living-room sofa for hours on end without moving , barely breathing .

  3. 我们就坐在客厅的沙发上看电视。

    We were sitting on the couch in the living room watching TV .

  4. 我正坐在客厅的沙发上。

    I am sitting on the couch in the loving room .

  5. 我曾经睡在客厅的沙发上,亦曾与朋友同睡一室;

    I 've slept on couches and bunked up with friends .

  6. 你客厅的沙发上铺有坐垫。

    Your living room sofas have covers on them .

  7. 急中生智,弟弟冲到客厅的沙发上,一头扎进枕头堆里。

    DD rushed to the sofa in the sitting room , dived his head under the pillows .

  8. 当你坐在客厅的沙发上,正对面就是电视机,以及它背后的那面墙。

    When you are sitting in the living room sofa , opposite is the TV , and its wall behind it .

  9. 我决定睡在客厅的沙发床上,那天我很累,所以大概九点就上床了。

    I decided to sleep on the sofa bed in the front room . I was really tired so went to bed about9pm .

  10. 但是他们没有空闲的卧室,但是他们说我可以睡在他们客厅的沙发上。

    They don 't have an extra bedroom , but they said it 's OK for me to sleep on their living room couch .

  11. 布勒博士还躺在那块大小和客厅长沙发大致相当的股骨旁边的地上拍了张照,以示炫耀。

    In a bravura moment , Dr. Pol had his picture taken stretched out on the ground beside the femur , about the size of a living room couch .

  12. 我常常发现这样神奇的事:只要把我的iPad2放到客厅的沙发上,我就能过最难过的那关。这都是因为我的丈夫或是8岁的孩子。

    It 's amazing how all it usually takes for me to pass a difficult level is to leave my iPad 2 on the living room couch for my husband or 8-year-old to find .

  13. 还有客厅里没有沙发。

    And there 's no sofa here in the living room .

  14. 咱们把她抬到客厅里的沙发上去。

    Lessus lay her on de sofa in de parlor .

  15. 我睡到你们客厅的那个沙发上怎么样?

    What if I just slept on your couch in the living room ?

  16. 居室中客厅只摆放沙发与茶几,电视柜则可有可无。

    The sitting room in the bedroom puts sofa and tea table only , TV ark is dispensable .

  17. 客厅的多功能沙发床,分体时是两个多位沙发和两个半圆脚凳,合体时,放上一张圆床垫即是一张圆床,可以临时留宿亲朋。

    Multi-purpose living room sofa bed , split the two when the number of sofas and a footstool , when fit , put a circle round bed mattress just like sheets can be temporary stay friends .