
  1. 可以得出结论,VAR模型适合做B2C网站新客数预测。

    It can be concluded , the VAR model is suitable for B2C sites new customer number forecast .

  2. Servi和Finn使用经典方法得出了稳态下系统中顾客数的PGF和逗留时间的LST,并将研究结果应用到了光纤通信网络的网关路由器的性能分析。

    Servi and Finn use classical methods to obtain the PGF ( z transform ) of the number of customers in the system and the LST of the total time in steady state , and applied these results to performance analysis of gateway router in fiber communication networks .

  3. 获得了该排队系统在稳态情况下,顾客到达前一瞬间系统中顾客数的概率分布和任意时刻系统中顾客数的概率分布;

    The distributions of the number of customers in the system at prearrival and arbitrary epochs are obtained .

  4. 文中应用全状态摄动分析成功地计算了系统性能指标对闭环网络内顾客数的灵敏性,实验结果验证了这一方法的有效性和准确性。

    And it is also successfully used to calculate the performance sensitivity to the changes of customer numbers in closed queueing networks . Experimental results verify the validity and accuracy of this new method .

  5. 使用拟生灭链,我们得到稳态下系统中顾客数的分布、顾客的等待时间以及消失概率。

    Using quasi birth and death chain , we obtain the distribution of the number of customers in the system and the waiting time of a customer and the loss probability in the stationary state .

  6. 同时指出,在洞穴旅游资源开发过程中,要科学掌握其有限性与无限性的关系,突破有限性,扩展无限性,以便增加旅游客数.使其得到充分的开发利用。

    When the cave tourism resource is developed , the writer points out , mastering its character , breaching its unlimited and expanding limited , so that it can attract mere tourists and make good use of cave tourism resource .

  7. 本文就抢占型优先权问题的概率分布作一些定量分析,包括系统中顾客数的分布(高、低优先权的两种顾客)、各自的等待时间分布、各自的服务时间分布等等。

    After the description of general priority system , this paper quantitatively discusses the probability distribution function of queuing system of preemptive priority , and obtains the number distribution , waiting time distribution , serving time distribution in system ( including the high and low priority customers ) .

  8. 确定多头直廓环面蜗轮滚刀客屑槽数的一种方法

    A Way to Fix the Chip Flute Number for the multiple Thread Hindley Hob