
  • 网络Atala;Attalla;Michael Atalla;Ryan Atallah
  1. 阿塔拉城法官肯尼斯罗伯特命令这两人戴着告示在连续两个星期六各站四个小时。

    Attalla City Judge Kenneth Robertson Jr. ordered the two people to wear the signs for four hours each during two successive Saturdays .

  2. 这是在维克丛林里的托尼阿塔拉实验室里发生的,他为受伤的士兵再生长耳朵,他也再生膀胱。

    This is going on in Tony Atala 's lab in Wake Forest where he is re-growing ears for injured soldiers , and he 's also re-growing bladders .