
  • 网络ARGENTINE WINE;Argentina wine
  1. 你可以选择在餐后或者单独盲品三种上佳的阿根廷葡萄酒(200比索),这能帮你学会如何区分特浓情(torrontés)与霞多丽(chardonnay)。

    A blind taste test of three excellent Argentine wines ( 200 pesos ) is conducted on its own or over dinner , and will help you learn to distinguish a torront é s from a chardonnay .

  2. 这6款葡萄酒首先是货真价实的山区酒——颜色浓稠,而且具有阿根廷高海拔葡萄酒那种精心酿制的醇厚味,甚至可以与西班牙海拔300-400米杜罗河区(RiberadelDuero)酿制的美酒相媲美。

    They are first and foremost mountain wines , with the dense colour and vivid , finely etched flavours that you find in the high-altitude wines of Argentina or even in the best of Spain 's Ribera del Duero wines grown at a mere 300m or 400m .

  3. 阿根廷的红葡萄酒大部分是由此类葡萄品种酿制而成,并在当地被称为马尔贝克。

    In Argentina where it is the dominant red wine grape for production , it is known as Malbec .