
  • 网络abegg;Arlberg;Gene Abegg;GeneAbegg
  1. 阿贝格这个名字—实际上是A-B-E-G-G,这是旋律的主题。

    The name " Abegg " is actually A-B-E-G-G , and that 's the main theme in the melody .

  2. 所以,实际上如果你认真听,应该可以听到有阿贝格主题的五个变奏。

    So actually , if you listen carefully , there are supposed to be five variations on this Abegg theme .

  3. 然后从中选择一个,成为我的主题,主要的旋律,就像你们刚才听到的阿贝格主题。

    and I choose one of those to become my main theme , my main melody , like the Abegg that you just heard .

  4. 我想给你们弹另一首作品,名字叫《阿贝格变奏曲》,罗伯特·舒曼作曲,一个19世纪德国作曲家。

    I have another piece that I 'd like to play for you . It 's called " Abegg Variations , " by Robert Schumann , a German 19th-century composer .