
  1. 用波尔兹曼曲线的方法测得了氩原子的激发温度,而且激发温度并不随功率的改变有明显的改变,约为2800K,并估算了电子温度。

    Excited temperature was about 2800K attained by Boltzmann equation , and excited temperature not evidently changes versus the change of power . Electron temperature was estimated on the basis of excited temperature .

  2. 啁啾激光场中钾原子的激发

    Excitation of potassium atoms by frequency - chirped laser pulses

  3. 频率啁啾的激光场中钾原子的激发与态囚禁

    Excitation of Potassium Atoms and Population Trapping Induced by Single Frequency-Chirped Laser Pulses

  4. 光子&电子联合作用引起的氢原子的激发

    Simultaneous photon - electron excitations of hydrogen

  5. 高离化态类锂原子的激发态(2s~22p)~2P的波函数与能量的计算

    Calculations for the wave functions and energies of the excited states of highly ionized lithium-like atoms

  6. 离化态原子的激发态结构

    Excited structure of atomic ions

  7. 高离化态原子的激发&Coulomb-eikonal非分波分析法

    The Excitation of Highly - ionized Atom by Charged Particle Impact & Non - partial Wave Approach in Coulomb-eikonal Approximation

  8. 利用自制微波增强微秒级脉冲辉光放电装置,研究了黄铜样品原子的激发和扩散过程。

    The excitation and diffusion processes of brass sample atoms in a GD MIP tandem source have been studied with a home made MIP boosted μ s pulse GD device .

  9. 用共振多光子电离法研究Gd原子的高激发态

    Measurements of high-lying levels of atom Gd by resonant multiphoton ionization

  10. Cs(8S)态的碰撞转移和高位原子态的激发

    Collisional Transfer of the Cs ( 8S ) State and Excitation of High Lying Atomic States

  11. 本文使用excimer(XeCl)泵激光产生的染料激光作为原子荧光的激发源测定了电感耦合等离子体中Ca、Mn和Cu的基态原子和离子的径向分布轮廓。

    An excimer ( XeCl ) pumped pulsed dye laser as an excitation source of fluorescence was used to diagnose the spatial distribution of some analytes in the ICP .

  12. 利用三脚型人工原子的共振激发实现几何相位门

    Geometric phase gates using tripod artificial atoms by resonant transfers

  13. 低能入射电子与中性锂原子的碰撞激发截面

    Impact excitation cross section of electrons by neutral lithium atoms at low energies

  14. 窄带激光与能级具有超精细结构的二能级原子的相干激发

    The coherent excitation property of a two-level atom with a hyperfine structure in narrow band laser field

  15. 报道中指出,纳原子中的激发态&Ryder态具有负的极化率。

    In the report pointed out that accepts in atomic excited state - Ryder condition to have negative polarizability .

  16. 重点突出反映了加速电压与流经弗兰克一赫兹碰撞管的电流之间的夫系,能够有针对性的测量原子的第一激发电位。

    It emphasizes the relationship between the accelerating voltage and the current passing through Franck-Hertz collision tube and allows the measurement destined to the first excited potential of atoms .

  17. N2(B~3Ⅱg)高振动态在Xe原子中的碰撞激发和弛豫

    Collisional excitation and relaxation of N ( B ~ 3 ∏ _g ) high vibrational levels in Xe

  18. 2发射探针对等离子体的诊断:等离子体中含有Nb的激发态原子、Ar的激发态原子以及离子和N2的分子离子;随着N2流量的增加,出现了靶中毒现象。

    The diagnostic results of OES : there are Nb + , Ar + , Ar + and N2 + in plasma and target poisoning appears with N2 flow increasing .

  19. 对钾原子的低频调制激发进行了理论研究,用含时多态展开方法计算了处于微波场、静电场和低射频场中钾原子21s和19f两个Stark态的跃迁几率;

    Using the time-dependent multilevel approach ( TDMA ), we have calculated the square wave oscillation of the excited Rydberg potassium atoms in the presence of the microwave field , the static electric field and the radio-frequency ( rf ) field .

  20. 钾原子的低频调制激发

    Slow frequency - modulated excitation of potassium atoms

  21. 钙原子的双电子激发自电离光谱

    Doubly excited autoionization spectrum of Ca atom

  22. 用李代数方法研究强激光场中双原子分子的多光子激发

    The research with the Lie-Algebra method to the multiphotons excitation of biatomic molecular in the intense laser field

  23. 双核系统势能面还提供重离子碰撞合成超重原子核的最佳激发能和最佳弹靶组合的信息。

    The dinuclear system potential energy surface also gives the information about the optimum projectile-target combination , as well as the optimum excitation energy for the synthesis of super-heavy nuclei by heavy ion collisions .

  24. 如果我们说的是,第四激发态,我们用,主量子数来描述,哪个主量子数对应了,氢原子的第四激发态?

    So if we 're talking about the fourth excited state , and we talk instead about principle quantum numbers , what principle quantum number corresponds to the fourth excited state of a hydrogen atom .

  25. 用R矩阵方法研究电子与原子、离子的碰撞激发和原子的光电离问题

    Study on Electron Collisions with Atomic Ions and Photoionization of Atoms Using R-matrix Method

  26. Ar~+离子和He、Ne原子碰撞过程中的激发态和发射截面

    Excited states and emission cross sections in collisions between ar + and he , ne

  27. 认为A1原子和A1离子的激发机理不完全相同,它们除被等离子体中的高能电子碰撞激发外,A1离子和电子的复合,也是引起A1原子激发的一个重要通道。

    Besides the collision excitation by the electrons with high energy , the recombination of the electrons and ions is also a main channel of producing the excited atoms .

  28. 选取高斯脉冲、正弦脉冲和三角形脉冲三种不同的激光脉冲形式,研究了当原子的初态分别为激发态和基态的情况下的依赖于时间的J-C模型中的反聚束效应。

    We studied antibunching effect in the time-dependent Jaynes-Cummings model by choosing three different kinds of laser pulse shapes , which are Gaussian pulse , sinusoidal pulse and triangular pulse . We consider the case that the atom is prepared initially in excited state and ground state respectively .

  29. 超流费米原子气体中的集体激发及其相互作用研究

    Investigations on Collective Excitations and Their Interactions of Superfluid Atomic Fermi Gases

  30. 双原子分子的态选择激发和三原子分子的键选择激发。

    The state-selective vibrational excitation of diatomic molecules and bond-selective vibrational excitation of triatomic molecules .