
  • 网络arc column
  1. 电弧弧柱的特征点从电弧图像中被提取出来,基于磁收缩效应、非均匀B样条理论和电弧特征点,建立一种弧柱的可视化模型。

    The feature points of arc column were extracted from arc image . Arc column visual model was constructed based on magne - tic pinch effect , no-uniform rational B-spline technique and the arc feature points .

  2. 气流和自磁场联合作用决定了弧柱结构的变化。

    The conjunct effect of gas flow and self-magnetic field determines the arc column structure .

  3. 结果表明:电弧弧柱的高温效应剧烈排斥冷气流的混入,使CVD过程受到抑制。

    The results indicate that high temperature effect of arc column strongly prevents cold gas current from getting in , so as to restrain CVD process .

  4. 从七个方向测量了非柱对称弧柱的谱线强度Hβ的分布。再通过Maldonado-Olsen转换求得发射系数场和温度场。

    The intensity distributions of a cylindrically asymmetric arc are measured from seven directions of observation in order to determine the emission coefficients and the temperature fields in terms of Maldonado-Olsen 's transformation .

  5. 基于相对论性激光-等离子体动力学理论和PIC方法建立了激光入射等离子弧柱的模型,该模型描述了激光入射等离子弧后粒子的运动,并模拟了弧柱形态的变化。

    A 2D mathematical model was developed to investigate laser-plasma interaction based on the theoretic-of relativistic laser-plasma and PIC approach , presenting the movement of particles when laser enters into plasma arc beam , together with the simulation of diversification-of arc beam shaping .

  6. 根据电弧的通道模型,计算了电弧的弧柱半径。

    The radius of the arc was decided according to channel model .

  7. 真空电弧等离子体弧柱现象模型分析

    A Column Model of High Current Vacuum Arcs

  8. 所得电弧弧柱温度分布与实验结果相吻合;

    Prediction of arc column temperatures is in fair agreement with the experiment results .

  9. 弧柱压降对塑壳断路器限流性能的作用

    Effect of Arc Column Voltage on the Current Limiting Performance in Moulded Case Circuit Breaker

  10. 等离子体弧柱动态特性的研究

    Dynamic Characteristic Research of Plasma Arc Column

  11. 等离子激光复合成形中角度对弧柱形态和熔积层精度的影响

    Influence of an Angle on Plasma Arc Beam Shaping and Deposition Precision During Hybrid Plasma Laser Formation

  12. 外加磁场、电流及弧柱半径对电弧螺旋不稳定性的影响

    The effect of external magnetic field , current and arc column radius on the arc helical instability

  13. 密封圈的两侧分别有半圆弧柱状密封线。

    Two sides of the sealing ring are separately provided with a sealing line with semi-circular rod shape .

  14. 通过测量和分析计算获得了弧柱和热区的径向及轴向温度分布。

    Through the theoretical calculation , the radial and axial temperature distribution of arc column and the thermal boundary region were obtained .

  15. 在有关试验测量所得数据基础上,计算了紊流条件下的电弧弧柱热传导时间常数特性。径向滑动轴承紊流相似分析研究

    It offers a new calculation for analyzing arc plasma motion under turbulent condition . Similarity Analysis of Journal Bearing Characteristics on Turbulent Condition

  16. 并首次将焊接电弧看作等离子体,分析电弧弧柱区氩离子密度的分布情况。

    And the welding arc was regarded as plasma for the first time to analyze the distribution of argon ion density in arc-column area . 3 .

  17. 通过改变激光的平均功率、脉冲宽度以及重复频率,模拟等离子弧柱形态变化,得到的激光参数对等离子弧柱形态的影响规律。通过控制弧柱的直径可以提高材料的熔积性能。

    The laser parameters , such as average power , pulse width and pulse repetition frequency were changed in order to simulate diversification-of arc beam shaping .

  18. 研究了等离子激光复合熔积高温合金粉末过程中激光对等离子弧柱形态、熔积时熔深和熔宽等的影响。

    The influences of laser on plasma arc beam form , width and depth of molten pool in the high temperature alloy powder deposition were investigated .

  19. 计算电场时将阴极和弧柱结合起来,避免了对阴极电流密度分布的假设。

    The hypothesis of current density distribution on the cathode could be avoided when the cathode and arc column were combined together in electrical field calculating .

  20. 在分析电弧对气流影响时,必须同时考虑到弧柱对喉道的障碍作用和电弧对气流的加热效应。

    In analyzing the arc effects on gas flow , both the clogging of arc column to the gas and the heat disspated must be considered simultaneously .

  21. 结果表明,施加水再压缩对提高等离子弧柱的能量密度和稳定性、进而提高陶瓷件切割质量非常有效。

    It is shown that the water constriction is effective on improving the energy density and stability of the arc , so the cutting quality can be improved also .

  22. 对这类电弧的研究主要集中于它的热结构和弧柱内的感应等离子体流动,本文对横向气流和磁场中电弧的特征和机理进行了较为详尽的分析和综述。

    A survey and a number of analysis of the mechanism is presented here , Which are responsible for the behaviour of arcs in crossed convective and magnetic fields .

  23. 从塑壳断路器尺寸紧凑、栅片数受限制出发,提出弧柱压降对限流同样起很大作用。

    According to the compact geometry along with limited number of deion plates of MCCB , it was proposed that arc column voltage also play an important role in interrupting process of MCCB .

  24. 内容涉及基本原理、实验装置及加工参数对弧柱特性、切口宽度、切口角、无渣切速的影响规律。

    The basic principle , test device , and the regularity of cutting parameters affecting to the arc characteristics , kerf width , kerf angle , and dross free cutting speeds are dealt with .

  25. 外加纵向磁场促使电弧旋转,改变弧柱等离子流和电流密度的径向分布,影响母材的加热熔化和焊缝成形。

    The applied longitudinal magnetic field promotes arc revolution , changes plasma jet of arc column and radial distribution of density of arc , affects the heating and melting of base metal and formation of weld .

  26. 从下列三个方面叙述了石英砂中电弧与其他介质中电弧特性不同之处:①它是一种在金属和石英砂蒸汽中燃烧的电弧其弧柱截面积受石英砂限制,不能自由扩张;

    The differences of arc characteristics in quartz sand from in others are mainly on three aspects : 1 , it burns in metal and quartz vapour , and the cross section of arc column is limited by sand and can not expand freely ;

  27. 电弧自调节作用原理是由于两焊芯端部在弧柱区的长度不同,伸入弧柱区中较长的焊芯从弧柱区获得更多的热量,而加快其熔化,从而起到电弧的自调节作用。

    The principle of the self-regulating effect is that different heat production of cathode and anode make two cores length in the arc different . The longer weld core stretching into the arc column gets more heat from the arc column to accelerate its melting .

  28. 当弧柱内电流为抛物线形分布时,外加正向磁场对于短波情况下的稳定性影响很小,但对于长波情况,稳定性增强;

    When the current profile of an arc column has a parabolic distribution , in the short wavelength perturbation case , the effect of positive direction magnetic field on the arc stability is very small . However , its stabilizing effect is enhanced for the long wavelength perturbation .

  29. 国家体育场预埋件的焊接新工艺&埋弧螺柱焊

    New welding technology of embeded parts in the national stadium-submerged arc stud welding

  30. 埋弧螺柱焊机及其在预埋件焊接中的应用

    Submerged-arc stud welding and application in pre-submerged welding