
  • 网络Launch capability;emissive power;emission power
  1. 随着ThO2尺寸的减小,阴极材料的电子发射能力得到显著提高。

    With the size ThO_2 decreasing , the electron emission ability of cathode was improved significantly .

  2. 为了弥补实验手段在发射能力与机理研究方面的不足,还采用Lagrange算法仿真超高速撞击现象以获取远场的法向速度信号。

    To make up the shortage of the experimental means , Lagrange solver was also applied in simulation of HVI to obtain the far field out-plane velocity signals .

  3. 在模拟二极管中,我们分别测量了经过阴极物质(Ba和BaO)污染后的涂覆Hf膜和没有涂覆Hf的Mo栅的Ⅰ&Ⅴ特性曲线,以判断他们的电子发射能力。

    The electron-emission characteristics of the grids with and without Hf , which were contaminated by active electron-emission substances ( Ba , BaO ) of the cathode , were measured using an analogous-diode method .

  4. 长期以来广泛都认为PL-12兼容发射能力将是中国J-11改进打算的基本。

    It has long been thought that PL-12 capability was a cornerstone of China 's J-11 upgrade plans .

  5. 当La2O3含量在6%~8%时,其热电子发射能力和稳定性最好。

    The nanocrystalline electrode materials exhibit the best thermionic electron-emission and stability when the content of La_2O_3 is 6 % ~ 8 % .

  6. OTV作为一种空间机动平台,可靠的在轨发射能力是实现其任务使命的重要前提条件。

    Reliable on-board launch ability is the precondition of executing the task of OTV ( Orbit Transfer Vehicle ), which is a maneuvering platform .

  7. 引弧较为容易和平稳,其电弧静特性曲线下降,电子发射能力增强。

    In addition , the static characteristics of arc decline and the ability of electron emission is enhanced .

  8. 实验显示,这些冷阴极都具有很高的电子发射能力,最低开启场强达到325V/μm。

    Experiments show that , these cold cathodes have good electron emission ability , the minimum threshold field is 3 25V / μ m.

  9. 将激光发射能力和接收能力分开,直接进行测量,获得了一种真正意义上的无靶板检测方法。

    In this method , emitting laser energy and received laser energy is directly measured individually , and it is the real test method without target .

  10. 通过分析认为,碳化La2O3Mo阴极磁控管微波输出能量不足的主要原因在于碳化La2O3Mo阴极材料本身的电子发射能力不足。

    It is pointed out that the limited microwave energy output is brought by the lower electron emission ability of carbonized La 2O 3 Mo cathode .

  11. 掺杂稀土氧化物的钨阴极材料以其较低的逸出功、更强的电子发射能力、低的工作温度等特性引起了极大关注。

    The tungsten cathode materials added rare earth oxide have wide application foreground because of a variety of advantages including work function , electronic emission ability and work temperature .

  12. 纳米金是一种常见的金属纳米材料,具有良好的催化、吸附性质,以及较高的二次电子发射能力。

    Gold nanoparticles is a common metal nano-material , as opposed to macro-gold , gold nanoparticles have good catalytic properties , sorption properties , and higher secondary electron emission ability .

  13. 大量的高强度纤维被用作填充材料,减轻了航天器的重量,增加了航天器的发射能力。

    A lot of high strength fiber materials have been used as stuffed materials . It would reduce the weight of the spacecraft , and increase the capability of spacecraft launch .

  14. 控制钨基体晶粒的尺寸、提高稀土氧化物在基体中弥散分布程度,是改善其电子发射能力等特性的关键。

    The key point to improve material 's emission ability is how to refine grain size of tungsten matrix and how to homogenize the rare earth elements in the matrix materials .

  15. 但是,按照这种工艺制备的碳管薄膜的场发射能力、均匀性和稳定性都有待进一步提高。

    However , its field emission performance , Stability and uniformity need further improvement . The synthesis CNTs with certain function is hard to realize for its high cost and technical difficulty .

  16. 同时,使用氢饱和金刚石,和外加指向尖端的电场都可以增强电子发射能力。

    The electron emission ability of the composites dramatically enhanced as that diamond clusters were saturated with hydrogen atoms or an external electric field with the direction of point to the buds was applied .

  17. 一旦初期的飞行证明了基本的发射能力,史密斯相信,企业界就会进入一个过渡时期,载送少数明白且接受风险的乘客。

    Once the initial flights establish basic launch capabilities , Smith believes they would be followed by a transitional stage , in which businesses would fly a limited number of passengers who understood and accepted the risks .

  18. 实验证明,电场作用下高分子薄膜的电子发射能力和电导率有关,具较高电导率的高分子薄膜经表面放电处理后其发射能力更强。

    Experimental results indicate that , in an electric field , the electron emission ability of polymer film has larger conductivity after relates to the conductivity , and becomes stronger when the polymer film conditioned by electric discharge .

  19. 众所周知,共轭程度较大的化合物应具有较好的荧光发射能力,可作为一种荧光发射团应用于荧光化学传感领域。

    It is well known that these compounds with a large degree of conjugation should own better capability of fluorescence emission , so it can be used as a fluorescence emission group in the field of fluorescence chemical sensing .

  20. 微通道板是一种内部具有二次电子发射能力材料的中空玻璃纤维阵列,它接受入射电子并通过二次电子发射产生电子倍增,从而达到放大输入电流的功能。

    A micro channel plate ( MCP ), which is a fused array of hollow glass tubes coated with a secondary emitter . The MCP accepts electrons and produces additional electrons through a secondary-emission process , thus amplifying the incoming signal .

  21. 在猝发多脉冲工作模式下,天鹅绒阴极仍具有强流发射能力,发射电流密度可以达到100A/cm~2。

    Same as working under single pulse mode , velvet can emit intensive electron beams too under multi-pulse mode and electron emission density is up to 100A / cm ~ 2 . In the experiment , phenomena of emitting non-uniform and instability are observed .

  22. photon-1.这2个对称型D-π-A-π-D生色分子从激发端基到π共轭桥的有效能量传输,对双光子吸收和双光子荧光发射能力贡献较大。

    Photon-1 . A very effective energy transfer from the excited terminal units to the π - conjugated bridging units of the two symmetrical D - π - A - π - D chromophores make the dominant contribution to the two-photon absorption and two-photon excited fluorescence .

  23. 为了提高远程弹道导弹的制导精度和机动发射能力,将迭代制导方法应用于远程弹道导弹制导系统中,主要完成了以下几方面的研究内容。首先研究了弹道导弹的制导理论。

    To improving guidance precision and maneuverability of long-range ballistic missile , this thesis presents the application of iterative guidance method in long range ballistic missile . And the main research is listed as below . Firstly , the guidance theory of ballistic missile is studied .

  24. 通过二氧化钛对玻璃粉的包膜处理,功能材料的高温锻烧处理,提高了功能材料的反射作用,增强了远红外的发射能力,从而有效降低了涂层的表面温度。

    In order to improve the reflective ability of functional materials and enhance the emittance in far IR band , the frostings were enveloped by titanium dioxide and the functional materials were disposed by calcine . Therefore it can decrease the exterior temperature of the coating film efficiently .

  25. 多任务并行对航天发射场能力的影响

    Analysis of the effect of Parallel-multitask on the capability of Aerospace Launch Center

  26. 其电弧稳定与否,主要取决于电流过零瞬间的电弧空间电离度、电极发射电子能力及再引燃电压的上升速度。

    The stability of the welding arc depends mainly on the voltage and the gas ionization when current zero-crossing as well as the electron emission ability of the electrode .

  27. 一种导弹机动发射平台生存能力计算模型

    A Model for Calculating Survivability of Missile Mobile Launching Platform

  28. 因此,理想的智能材料首先要解决的是其信息发射和接收能力。

    Therefore , the critical problem of an ideal smart materials is the transmission and reception .

  29. 他发展出可以从手发射能量的能力。

    Apparently he 's developed the ability to emit some kind of energy from his hands .

  30. 它让我们得以启动开发发射卫星的能力,我认为,他们会是一个出色的合作伙伴。

    It gives us a kick start to get the satellite capability going and I think they will be a great partner .