
  • 网络fever clinics
  1. 方法:对CR系统发热门诊胸片摄影方法及流程做了详细阐述。

    Methods The method and flow for CR chest radiography at fever clinics were described .

  2. 安徽省SARS定点医院和发热门诊消毒剂使用情况调查

    Investigation of Disinfectant Application in SARS Designated Hospitals and Fever Clinics in Anhui Province

  3. 甲型H1N1流感流行期间发热门诊的应急管理

    The emergent management of fever clinic during A / H_1N_1 influenza

  4. 目的探讨计算机X线摄影(CR)在发热门诊中的设备配置及应用价值。

    Objective To evaluate the equipment scheme and value of computed radiography ( CR ) in the fever outpatient department .

  5. 北京发热门诊SARS院内感染影响因素调查

    The study on the factors of hospital infection of SARS in fever clinic in Beijing

  6. 综合医院发热门诊应对甲型H1N1流感的做法与效果

    The practice and effect in the response of influenza A-H1N1 in the fever clinic of general hospital

  7. 发热门诊诊治患者1512人次,留观85人,实现了SARS防治5个零的防疫目标。

    512 patients were treated and 85 were remained for further treatment . Epidemic goal of 5 zero against SARS was fulfilled .

  8. 方法从3家SARS定点医院和7家发热门诊随机抽取545名医护人员进行问卷调查。

    Methods 545 health workers were sampled at random from 3 SARS patient treatment specific hospitals and 7 general hospitals established fever clinics .

  9. 方法对收治的45例严重急性呼吸综合征(SARS)患者、发热门诊150例医学观察和1200例回家观察患者发病初期的临床资料进行回顾分析。

    Methods Clinical data of 45 SARS patients , 150 medical observation patients and 1200 home observation patients from fever-clinic were analyzed retrospectively .

  10. 自防治SARS工作以来加强发热门诊、留观室医务人员防护措施和方法的研究

    Study on protective measures and methods on medical staff in the outpatient department and observing room during the prevention and treatment of SARS

  11. 方法:选择发热门诊(口腔体温超过37.5℃)的各类疾病的儿童共1245例,直接从新生儿足跟底或儿童指端采取全血作CRP检测和WBC分类计数,统计学分析。

    Methods To choice children of fever outpatient of various disease in child hospital totally 745 examples , direct from new born baby 's heel bottom or child 's finger point to adopt the whole blood to makes the CRP examination and white cell examination , statistics analysis .

  12. 发热门诊患者传染病相关知识调查研究

    Investigation of the knowledge about infectious diseases in fever clinical patients

  13. 从发热门诊建立看应对突发公共卫生事件的危机管理

    The crisis management to tackle emergency events by establishing fever clinic

  14. 发热门诊58522例发热疾病的临床分析

    Clinical Analysis of 58,522 Cases with Febrile Illness in Fever Clinics

  15. 块状管理模式在发热门诊管理中的优势

    The advantage of regions management model in fever outpatient service

  16. 发热门诊医务人员非典时期的心理状态

    The mental state of medical staffs in fever outpatient in SARS diffusion

  17. 加强发热门诊病人健康教育指导和心理疏导。

    Fever outpatients need a further related knowledge education and psychological guidance .

  18. 发热门诊病人掌握疾病防护知识的调查

    Analysis and investigation on knowledge of patient 's disease protection in fever clinic

  19. 结核专科384例发热门诊病例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of 384 fever out-patients in tuberculosis department

  20. 发热门诊在传染性非典型性肺炎诊治中的作用

    The Effects of Fever Clinics in Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Atypical Pneumonia

  21. 方法对发热门诊收治的感染性发热患者的临床资料进行回顾总结。

    Methods To review and summarize the clinic material of infection fever cases .

  22. 电话追踪在发热门诊的应用

    The Application Of Telephone Contacting ln Fever Clinics

  23. 我院发热门诊运转过程中存在的问题及对策

    The problems in the operation of fever clinics in our hospital and the countermeasures

  24. 计算机X线摄影在发热门诊的应用

    Applications of CR in the Fever Outpatient Department

  25. 发热门诊患者疾病谱回顾性分析及诊前教育对策

    Disease Spectrum in Fever Outpatient Department and Pre-treatment Education Strategy : A Retrospective Analysis

  26. 发热门诊过氧化氢空气消毒效果研究

    Air Sterilization of Hydrogen Peroxide Solution in Department for Fever Outpatients : An Efficacy Study

  27. 军队医院发热门诊医护人员心理健康状况调查分析

    Investigation of the Mental Health Condition of Medical Staff in Fever Clinic of Military Hospitals

  28. 方法设立发热门诊,对384例的就诊人员进行诊断、合理分流。

    Methods By establishing fever policlinic , 384 registered cases were diagnosed and shunted reasonably .

  29. 发热门诊医护人员心理健康影响因素的研究

    Correlation study on influential factors psychic health of doctors and nurses in febrile out-patient clinic

  30. 发热门诊护士工作压力分析与疏导

    Analysis of the work pressure of nurses in pyrexia clinic and the measures leading it