
  • 网络Development and constraints;Promotion and Restriction
  1. 明清时期华北市场的发展与制约

    The Development and Restriction of Market in North China during the Ming and Qing Dynasties

  2. 锚杆支护技术发展前景与制约因素

    Technical development prospects and restraints of roof - bolting technology

  3. 文章主要分析了陕西信息服务业的发展现状与制约因素,并对今后的发展提出了对策建议。

    This paper analyzes the developmental actualities and restrictive factors of informatization service industry of Shaanxi , and proposes countermeasures and suggestions for later development .

  4. 秸秆气化商业化发展的驱动与制约因素分析

    Analysis on the Driving and Constraint Factors of Crop Straw Gasification and Commercialization Development

  5. 经济生活对中国传统文学生存发展的促进与制约;

    The promotion and restriction of economical life to the existence and development of Chinese traditional literature ;

  6. 摘要分析了日本企业文化的特点及其对日本企业和日本经济发展的支撑与制约作用。

    This paper analyses the traits of Japanese enterprise culture as well as its function in supporting and controlling Japanese enterprises and its economy development .

  7. 进一步举例分析阐述了大型城市公共设施与城市现代景观的建设的利与弊,提出将景观及其规划控制作为城市持续发展的动力与制约的理念。

    Furthermore , the advantages and disadvantages of constructing large-scale public facilities and modern urban landscape are analyzed with examples . It is proposed that landscape and landscape planning control should be utilized as motive and restriction of urban sustainable development .

  8. 主要探讨基于Internet的企业信息服务系统三大法宝之一&客户关系管理CRM的无线层次和框架,论述无线CRM系统的应用发展情况及优势与制约因素;

    In this paper , we study the wireless application architectures of Customer Relationship Management ( CRM ) systems , which is one of the three effective methods of enterprise information service system on Internet . Also , we discuss the advantages and the restriction factors of wireless CRM .

  9. 而河谷生态环境也对兰州市产业结构、产业布局和经济发展过程与方向产生制约作用。

    In another way , the valley-basin environment can constrict the industrial structure , industrial distribution and economic development .

  10. 通过对十五期间浙江蚕业发展情况与蚕业发展制约因素分析,认为十一五期间是浙江蚕桑稳定发展的重要战略机遇期。

    The period during 11th 5-year-plan will be the important strategic period for steady development of Zhejiang sericulture based on the analysis of sericulture development and limited factors in Zhejiang province .

  11. 因此,本文从能源结构模式、产业结构模式、经济与技术手段等几方面归纳了低碳发展中的瓶颈与制约。

    Therefore , this model from the energy structure , industry structure model , economic and technical means , such as several low-carbon development are summarized in terms of bottlenecks and constraints .

  12. 它是先于科学发展的,是科学发展的推进器和助产婆,但又受科学发展水平的影响与制约。

    While forecasting developed in advance of science is both a propeller and a midwife of science , it is also limited by the level of the science development .

  13. 课程教学的发展变迁既与技术进步密切相关,同时它更受一个国家或地区的教育传统和社会文化发展的影响与制约;

    The development and reformation of curriculum and instruction is related to some factors such as the technological progress , the educational tradition and the shift of social culture .